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vonheikemen profile image
Heiker • Edited

My favorite is codepen, I usually don't need anything fancy so it's perfect. And now that ESmodules are supported, stuff like this work.

import S from '';

console.log ( (S.Pair (true) ('what?')));
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That only saves me like two clicks but I love it. I would also like to mention webmaker, is like codepen but works offline (I think is faster, too).

If I do need something fancy I go for stackblitz. It's a VScode on the browser, like codesanbox.

This one I love, I just saw it a couple of months ago, it's called observablehq. I think the main use is for data visualization but since it supports markdown it opens the posibility to create articles with interactive examples. I had a lot of fun creating this one.