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Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman

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JavaScript Array Methods Cheat Sheet: The Only Guide You Need

Mutator Methods (Modify the original array)

  1. push(element1, ..., elementN) Adds elements to the end. Returns: New length.
arr.push(5); // [1,2,3] → [1,2,3,5]
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  1. pop() Removes the last element. Returns: Removed element.

arr.pop(); // [1,2,3] → [1,2]

  1. shift() Removes the first element. Returns: Removed element.
arr.shift(); // [1,2,3] → [2,3]
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  1. unshift(element1, ..., elementN) Adds elements to the start. Returns: New length.
arr.unshift(0); // [1,2,3] → [0,1,2,3]
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  1. splice(start, deleteCount, ...items) Adds/removes elements at start index. Returns: Array of removed elements.
arr.splice(1, 1, 'a'); // [1,2,3] → [1,'a',3]
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  1. sort([compareFunction]) Sorts elements (lexicographically by default). Returns: Sorted array (mutates original).
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b); // [3,1,2] → [1,2,3]
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  1. reverse() Reverses the array. Returns: Reversed array (mutates original).
arr.reverse(); // [1,2,3] → [3,2,1]
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  1. fill(value, start?, end?) Fills array with value between start and end.
arr.fill(0); // [1,2,3] → [0,0,0]
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  1. copyWithin(target, start, end?) Copies elements within the array.
[1,2,3,4].copyWithin(0, 2); // → [3,4,3,4]
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Accessor Methods (Return new data without modifying the array)

  1. concat(...arrays) Merges arrays. Returns: New merged array.
arr.concat([4,5]); // [1,2,3] → [1,2,3,4,5]
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  1. slice(start?, end?) Returns subarray between start and end.
arr.slice(1, 3); // [1,2,3,4] → [2,3]
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  1. join(separator?) Joins elements into a string (default: ,).
arr.join('-'); // [1,2,3] → "1-2-3"
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  1. includes(element) Checks if array contains element. Returns: true/false.
arr.includes(2); // [1,2,3] → true
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  1. indexOf(element) Returns first index of element or -1.
arr.indexOf(2); // [1,2,3] → 1
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  1. lastIndexOf(element) Returns last index of element or -1.
[1,2,2,3].lastIndexOf(2); // → 2
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  1. toString() Same as join().
[1,2,3].toString(); // "1,2,3"
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  1. toSorted() (ES2023) Non-mutating version of sort().
const sorted = arr.toSorted();
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  1. toReversed() (ES2023) Non-mutating version of reverse().
const reversed = arr.toReversed();
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Iteration Methods

  1. forEach(callback) Executes callback for each element. Returns: undefined.
arr.forEach(x => console.log(x));
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  1. map(callback) Returns new array with transformed elements.
const doubled = => x * 2);
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  1. filter(callback) Returns elements that pass callback test.
const evens = arr.filter(x => x % 2 === 0);
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  1. reduce(callback, initialValue?) Reduces array to a single value.
const sum = arr.reduce((acc, x) => acc + x, 0);
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  1. find(callback) Returns first element passing callback test.
const firstEven = arr.find(x => x % 2 === 0);
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  1. some(callback) Checks if at least one element passes test. Returns: true/false.
const hasEven = arr.some(x => x % 2 === 0);
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  1. every(callback) Checks if all elements pass test.
const allEven = arr.every(x => x % 2 === 0);
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  1. flat(depth = 1) Flattens nested arrays.
[1, [2]].flat(); // → [1,2]
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  1. flatMap(callback) Maps then flattens the result.
arr.flatMap(x => [x, x*2]); // [1,2] → [1,2,2,4]
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Static Methods

  1. Array.isArray(value) Checks if value is an array.
Array.isArray([1,2]); // → true
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  1. Array.from(arrayLike) Creates an array from array-like/iterable.
Array.from('123'); // → ['1','2','3']
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  1. Array.of(...elements) Creates an array from arguments.
Array.of(1,2,3); // → [1,2,3]
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ES6+ Additions

  1. at(index) Returns element at index (supports negatives).
[1,2,3].at(-1); // → 3
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  1. findLast(callback) (ES2023) Returns last element passing test.
[1,2,2,3].findLast(x => x === 2); // → 2
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Key Notes:

  • Mutators: Modify the original array (e.g., push, sort).
  • Accessors: Return new data without changing the original (e.g., slice, concat).
  • Iterators: Process elements via callbacks (e.g., map, filter).
  • Use toSorted(), toReversed(), etc., for non-mutating operations (ES2023+).
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Top comments (3)

atwright147 profile image
Andy Wright

That is actually very useful, thank you

gauravsingh8026 profile image
Gaurav Singh

It's an interesting collection, but why are they all numbered 1?
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web_dev-usman profile image
Muhammad Usman

It's Just typing

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