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Building my AI directory on a budget, all with Cloudflare

The SaaS world is bursting with products, and I figured – why not try building something myself? I wanted to use the latest and greatest tech, so I put together an awesome stack:

Cloudflare R2, D1, and Drizzle: For storage and database (more on this in a minute!)
Cloudflare Pages: Hosting, because who doesn't love free?
Sveltekit: My favorite framework for a smooth, snappy experience.
shadcn: To make it look good (Tailwind is the best!).

Honestly, this is probably the most affordable way to build something with Svelte right now. Cloudflare has blown me away with what it gives away, and it lets a scrappy developer like me get started for next to nothing!

Cloudflare to the Rescue!

At first, I was thinking about using Supabase for my database. But then I discovered that Cloudflare actually has their own built-in SQLite database – D1! And guess what? It's super fast. So I figured, why switch gears when I've got an amazing solution right here at Cloudflare?

What I've Done So Far

Honestly, it's still basic. Right now, you can:

Browse AI products
Submit a new AI product

Please head over to and let me know what you think!

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