DEV Community

What you hate the most about being a Developer? πŸ˜…πŸ€“

Sarthak Sharma on March 03, 2021

Well though being a developer is awesome, but there is always something. So what is that one thing that you don't like being a developer? and why s...
steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

Giving estimates even if you don't know how long it will take.

swarupkm profile image
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra β€’

Giving estimates when Manager has already set a deadline!

socratezz profile image
Andy Edmonds β€’

Giving estimates while still in the meeting with the stakeholders and before being able to think on the requirements.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Plot twist

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

I got to agree with that and negotiating on the deliverables is not fun.

eriklz profile image
Erik Lundevall Zara β€’

Of course you do not know it, that is why it is called an estimate :-)

The main problem is with people who treat an estimate as a promise and/or do not care about context and do not follow-up on information changes.

ferceg profile image
ferceg β€’

In these cases one of my colleagues is more than happy to give "500 +/- 490 hours"-like estimates :)

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton β€’

nailed it man

mikeywastaken profile image
terabyte. β€’

I wish I agreed less...

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


lancaster215 profile image
Franco β€’


shubhambattoo profile image
Shubham Battoo β€’ β€’ Edited

Meetings, especially ones where I was not needed and it could have easily be a mail. 9 am meetings are the worst 😒

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

πŸ˜… Standup culture πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

tswiftma profile image
tswiftma β€’

Agile works but I hate the "Cult of Agile". Like if you don't have a standup every day the world will end :)

Thread Thread
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

I wish a PM join this thread.

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fetchworkglenn profile image
Glenn β€’

Feature request for PM to actually organize standups only for people that need to be there. Maybe 2 a week where everyone needs to be there so we can get updates.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi β€’

I schedule meetings at 3am or 7am.

fetchworkglenn profile image
Glenn β€’

The interview process. 9 times out of 10 they'll test me on something I'll never do while working there.

dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser β€’ β€’ Edited

Front-end Dev:
"Please make Sudoku solver algorithm that checks the weather and mines bitcoin. We have a gun to your head. you have 25 minutes. We are only looking for ROCKSTARS only. After this we have scheduled for 4 more meetings with 8 more devs who each have concocted SUPER ALGO questions you will not be doing in your day to day."

eugenman profile image
Eugen β€’

Hey, candidate, look k at this script. Is there any mistake?
Are you shure?
...I guess mistake is here, it could be rewritten like this...
Are you shure?
Yes? And refactor this place...
Are you shure it's all?
...Shit, I'm get out of here!

whaison profile image
Whaison β€’

Is that an amarican thing? I had some interviews in Germany and they first wanted to know me on a personal basis and asked how experienced I would consider myself. When they think that I'm a good fit for the job they invited me to a one day (or half a day) work trial and gave me typical development tasks for the job.
I think that this works very well because you don't have to study for the interview and the employer can see how well you fit in the team, what your thought processes are and how clean your code is

fetchworkglenn profile image
Glenn β€’

American mostly. I also had the same experience when I interviewed with a company in Indonesia.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden β€’

Agreed the interview process is convoluted and broken.

jankapunkt profile image
Jan KΓΌster πŸ”₯ β€’ β€’ Edited

People asking me to fix their PC or WIndows or Printer problems, because "I work in IT"



  • helping with Excel / Word
  • fixing Routers or connectivity issues
  • helping to buy new hardware ("is this a good one?")
  • helping to find software x for purpose y
afif profile image
Temani Afif β€’

and the : " is the Samsung Xzd45" better than HTC sdfr48? or should I keep my actual phone?" ... and you have no idea what the hell he's talking about ...

jimkleiber profile image
Jim Kleiber β€’ β€’ Edited

This! I was studying electrical engineering at college when I did a study abroad in Costa Rica. My host mom had a radio that was broken and asked me to fix it, "You're an electrical engineer, right? (in Spanish)." When I got back to the US, I quit electrical engineering lol.

havespacesuit profile image
Eric Sundquist β€’

Yes! It's like going to a restaurant and asking them to make you a grocery list

dazfuller profile image
Darren Fuller β€’

So much this. Especially as it normally leads to me being asked to fix other stuff like heating systems because β€œthey’re like computers right”

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

New JavaScript Frameworks 🌈

dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser β€’

I hear Locker is coming out and its WAAAY better than SVELTE. Industry game changer. Drop what you are doing and learn now!

rish7223 profile image
Rishabh Tyagi β€’ β€’ Edited

Neck pain πŸ˜–

dramaticbean profile image
DramaticBeanπŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή β€’

Can be stress or bad posture

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T β€’ β€’ Edited

This should be taught as Software Developer Beginner skills, to avoid burn out.

Thread Thread
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


ronaldoperes profile image
Ronaldo Peres β€’

In my case, is a herniated disc, so need to be aware of my posture all the time.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Nah not needed

lornasw93 profile image
Lorna Watson β€’ β€’ Edited

Being told β€œIt’s just a quick fix”, β€œwill be easy” or β€œshouldn’t take you long” from a non-dev about a dev task

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown β€’
  • Not having the time to work on cool/interesting projects.
  • cowboy code/prototype code that is now in production and mission critical
  • Business: "We need this automated!" - Me: "Ok sure, what is the process we want automated?" - Business: "We know it when we see it" -
  • YAML ;)
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


lorenzoblog profile image
Lorenzo β€’

Everything that prevents me from developing.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


ishwarkaushik profile image
Ishwar Kaushik β€’

Dev is not frustrated technically because he/she is a dev and loves/breathes technical things. Dev is a dev by choice; not by force.

Few instances from my experience(working in IT services).

  1. Technology decision is made by 2 people playing golf and the dev has to support it.
  2. Decisions are political rather than technical and dev has to support it and live with it.
  3. A person (read PM) who has no idea on how the code works makes presentation on system he/she didn’t develop. On top of that he wants to sound like an authority. Dev has to prepare/support him/her in his/her presentation and watch it in pain (smiling externally).
  4. Provide β€œrough”/β€œballpark” estimate in 5 mins. Why ask for estimate if you already have a deadline?
  5. Accommodate so called β€œsmall” change and still adhere to the deadlines
  6. A non-IT person comes and tells you how to implement something. He/she may not understand the nuances of development but just want to make sure that his/her unwanted presence is felt!
pazyp profile image
Andrew Pazikas β€’

Becoming my whole families Tech Support. I dunno what's up with your malware infested 15-year-old laptop

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


cleysonlb profile image
Cleyson Leal Braga β€’

Impostor syndrome, never feel good enough for things

mukhtaaraziz profile image
MukhtaarAziz β€’

Learning without finding a job :(.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Trust me those are the best days.

vdloc profile image
VuΜƒ Đức LΓ΄Μ£c β€’

Totally agree!!

nano1709 profile image
Ignacio Vargas β€’ β€’ Edited

Overengineering a task when the solution was right in front of me in stack overflow

dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser β€’

Our whole industry of guilty of this. This is the new way. Its ES12 an interpopulated literal. And solves a probelm that didnt exist with more code.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

That’s one of my fav.

afif profile image
Temani Afif β€’ β€’ Edited

Spending two hours to figure out that you wrote "order_lisitng" instead of "order_listing" ... I hate variables.

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi β€’

VS Code has a spell check extension that can save you.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


princealarming profile image
Prince-Alarming β€’

Not enough free time (in the capacity of always working on a project to meet the deadline, like 10, 12 or even 16 hours a day). Also, having to learn a new language (in the vane of balancing the project, leaning the new language and free time for loved ones, friends, etc.).

jastuccio profile image
jastuccio β€’

When HR is completely clueless.

I applied for a design/WordPress position last month. The test questions were something like 5 C#, 5 Java, 2 Python, 1 JS.

The job description was all DESIGN, SEO, Web dev, etc and then the test was mid-level CS stuff in languages the company does not use.

No PHP questions! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ (or even HTML, CSS, or WP!).

I don't expect HR to be able to debug my code, but that was ridiculous and it is not uncommon.

essanousy profile image
mohamed es-sanousy β€’ β€’ Edited

When the PM says we have to deliver on an exact date instead of how long it's going to take to deliver, it can be one day or one year who knows

when a client that has the only experience using DOS in the 90s thinks he's the best and starts telling you what to do and how to do it

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


piees profile image
Yngve β€’

Difficulties communicating between domain knowledges. As a developer it can be hard to explain to a marketer why we need to do X in stead of Y, but then find out they were actually trying to do K.

Just as when I talk to our accounting department and barely understand half of what they say.

dmahely profile image
Doaa Mahely β€’

I really dislike distractions/requests, or anything that will make me leave the application I'm on to go to another app to do something unrelated.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

What’s the reason you have to shift?

thesanjeevsharma profile image
Sanjeev Sharma β€’

Like replying to a lame message on slack when I am zoned in.

Thread Thread
sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


dbarwikowski profile image
Daniel Barwikowski β€’

I'm struggling with choice between "Can you connect my printer?" and "Can you take a look on my laptop? It's really slow."

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

Woahh that’s really a pain in bumbum. πŸ˜…

jondubois profile image

There are too many junior devs who don't know what they're doing who are given too much attention on social media and using it as a platform to spread bad ideas...

Most developers and managers in the industry are not experienced or skilled enough to recognize how bad these ideas are and so they all ignore the tiny handful of senior developers who are actively trying to point out why the new trend is a bad idea.

It takes over a decade for the majority of people in any given generation to finally understand that the technical trend didn't make sense to begin with. Then by this point some new crazy technical trend comes up at the same time as a new, even bigger generation of junior devs enters the industry and the insanity repeats... The industry stays perpetually irrational and code quality stays low forever.

The best parts of the industry to work in are software security and software consulting... Then at least you can monetize all the software design flaws which all these crazy trends keep creating.

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng β€’

Everyone overestimate me. I mean they expect me to get good score in programming class or do practically anything well. Even I actually do it well, I don't want other people to expect me to be good.

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


salmamohamed profile image
Salma Mohamed β€’

my brother always asks me.. "if you dont know how to hack instagram accounts then what you are doing is fake" hahaha then I have to explain myself more.

The other fact that I hate is that my mom always says to me "I will have to break your laptop soon. is this how you want us to live? you dont give me stories even" LOL

then my siblings 3 of them starts bullying me "the nerdy is here.. bragging that she knows IT but she is fake as she looks" hahahaha

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

Yeah.. that's usually the case when they are non-technical in nature and they want a rough date in their planning to get things done.

gizmotronn profile image
Arbuckle β€’

The stereotypes are pretty annoying, just as annoying when people assume that things you do aren't that hard. For me there's two main things that I have problems with:

  • My goal in life is to be an open-source game developer. My parents have very negative opinions of technology, especially the gaming industry, and they seem to have the notion that game developers are basically youtubers who play games for a living.
  • I often do freelancing work to pay the bills, however I am very uncomfortable with being the one to nominate the price. I work with companies of different scales, and therefore different websites are worth different prices to different groups. Whenever I have to go into a meeting without the rest of my team I get very nervous when it comes to asking for money because some companies won't value the job as much as others do, and you want to have a good reputation with as many companies as possible.
xinecraft profile image
Xinecraft β€’

This might be out of points but hate the way parents are pushing their kids from a very early age to coding, and some websites show after few days of the tutorial from their paid course you can code SpaceX rockets.

mikeck profile image
Mike CK β€’

The fact that 99% of the clients don't care about the nifty stuff you did with the backend... Only attractive and functional UIs

mckkaleb profile image
Kaleb McKinney β€’

JavaScript frameworks

nombrekeff profile image
Keff β€’

For me, it has to be waiting for the backend, design, or management team for something I need, to be able to meet the deadline... I'm always the one that has to spend the 2-3 days before a deadline working like a psychopath so we meet the deadline... because these teams decide they do stuff 2 days before the deadline, then it's me who deals with not getting to the deadline...

I also hate priority changes in projects, let me explain. The management team decides this feature or bug is really important to fix NOW. So yeah, we start working on it, we are mostly finished and they decide that NOW it's not important anymore and this other thing has more priority. It would be okay if this happened a couple of times a month, but not on every project every week or so...

PD: I'm the lead front-end developer at our company, managing and working on around 6 projects, this happens on each one of them...

Does this happen to any of you? Or is there something wrong with our team?

karllhughes profile image
Karl L. Hughes β€’

Constant, unnecessary interruptions.

I left my job to start a company and we're going with the "no slack stack" because I don't want people to feel that sense of urgency around every request.

yukikimoto profile image
Yuki Kimoto β€’

There is a lot of over-advertising and cheating on the web.

I'm Perl and Mojolicious developer.

Even if it is a minority, I want to develop without anxiety.

bjakyt profile image
Jaakko β€’

Naming variables.

lemoolu profile image
xizhi β€’


sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’


volkmarr profile image
Volkmar Rigo β€’

Vague requirements.

alvarolorentedev profile image
Alvaro β€’

Other devs just using the this is my experience card without more background or conversation to overrule others

javaarchive profile image
Raymond β€’

Native libraries failing to build

yoursunny profile image
Junxiao Shi β€’

Waiting more than 3 days for a code review.

mike239x profile image
Mike Lezhnin β€’

Following ugly interfaces / being forced to write ugly code.
Makes me want to quit my job tbh.

swizzard profile image
sam β€’


dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser β€’

why man u dont like money?

swizzard profile image
sam β€’


sanspanic profile image
Sandra Spanik β€’

Not being one.

omz profile image
Kurnia Muhamad β€’

flash sale

sarthology profile image
Sarthak Sharma β€’

That’s too when there are so many options.

muzammilaalpha profile image
muzammilaalpha β€’

nailed it man

sujan_sapkota profile image
Sujan Sapkota β€’

Back pain

william profile image

Very convincing argument! Very convincing argument. Back pain can be cured or at least minimized. Then the work will bring only pleasure.

abhisharjangir profile image
Abhishar Jangir β€’

People ask to fix their PC, Printer 😞

dskaiser82 profile image
Daniel Kaiser β€’

Big walls between design and dev

oscarz90 profile image
Oscar β€’

code challenges in interviews

rodreegez profile image
Adam Rogers β€’


ahmedsamirdev profile image
ahmedsamirdev β€’

That I can't get a junior job for almost a year now

rubyrubenstahl profile image
Ruby Rubenstahl β€’

My ADHD causing my brain to lock up when I have a difficult problem to work through.

dana94 profile image
Dana Ottaviani β€’

The interview process. Every company has their own process and it's exhausting and I usually don't agree with it.

sathishk2030 profile image
Sathish β€’ β€’ Edited

**When u do task slow/steady
you r a bad developer.

**When u work hard and finish everything fast
it is a simple task.

92xeeshan profile image
Zeeshan β€’

Can you hack facebook account πŸ˜‚

jscoder17 profile image
Jscoder17 β€’

3am in the closet. :(

princealarming profile image
Prince-Alarming β€’

Neck pain and rubbing eyes so I can read the screen, after staring at it πŸ™ƒ for 12 hours.

brandonwallace profile image
brandon_wallace β€’

So far nothing.

psamuel_53 profile image
Samuel β€’ β€’ Edited

Time. Because I cannot throw clients in a black hole and then we would have infinite time to develop.

thejuju profile image
Julien Gabriel β€’

Fixing printer for family

hasobi profile image
Hasobi β€’

Pro : working flexible hours
Cons : working flexible hours

janpauldahlke profile image
jan paul β€’

i sometimes lack time to play dota 2

arealights profile image
Arealight β€’

People asking questions that are rhetorical or I already answered.

tiamatt profile image
Samira Yusifova β€’
