DEV Community

Xuefei Li
Xuefei Li

Posted on

How to configure the style of the legend separately in VChart and change the shape of the graphic

Question title

How to configure the style of legends separately in VChart and change the shape of graphics

Problem description

How to change the legend item graphic of a column chart series to a circle

Image description


Legends in VChart can be customized through the data configuration item, where the graphic property is in the shapeproperty of the legend item

 legends: {
    visible: true,
    data: items => {
      return => {
        if(item.label === 'Under 5 Years'){
          item.shape.symbolType = 'circle';
        return item;
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Code example

const spec = {
  type: 'bar',
  data: [
      id: 'barData',
      values: [
          State: 'WY',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 25635
          State: 'WY',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 1890
          State: 'WY',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 9314
          State: 'DC',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 30352
          State: 'DC',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 20439
          State: 'DC',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 10225
          State: 'VT',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 38253
          State: 'VT',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 42538
          State: 'VT',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 15757
          State: 'ND',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 51896
          State: 'ND',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 67358
          State: 'ND',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 18794
          State: 'AK',
          Age: 'Under 5 Years',
          Population: 72083
          State: 'AK',
          Age: '5 to 13 Years',
          Population: 85640
          State: 'AK',
          Age: '14 to 17 Years',
          Population: 22153
  xField: 'State',
  yField: 'Population',
  seriesField: 'Age',
  stack: true,
  legends: {
    visible: true,
    data: items => {
      return => {
        if(item.label === 'Under 5 Years'){
          item.shape.symbolType = 'circle';
        return item;
  bar: {
    // The state style of bar
    state: {
      hover: {
        stroke: '#000',
        lineWidth: 1

const vchart = new VChart(spec, { dom: CONTAINER_ID });

// Just for the convenience of console debugging, DO NOT COPY!
window['vchart'] = vchart;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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