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Database Handling with Golang Gorm (CRUD Handling)


Hi, in this session we will learn on how to use Gorm in Golang, to handle database operations such as create, read, update and delete (or usually called by many of us CRUD operations)

What is Gorm?

Gorm is just as many object relational mapper that every language / framework has, that handles database operations with defined models of our own tables inside our codes. This post will only cover the basic connection, model definition, basic CRUD handling, and we will use postgresql as our database, so let's get start with it!

Initialize Package

First we need to initiate our project with command

go mod init {your package name}
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after initializing the project, we can run the command to get the Gorm package and download it to our projects

go get -u
go mod vendor
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Okay, so we will separate a folders for configuration, model definition and a main package for running this tutorial, here's my folder structured looks like

- config
 |_ config.go
- models
 |_ payment.go
- test.go
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Connecting to DB (Using PostgreSQL)

the code inside config.go is utilize for handling database connection

package config

import (


const (
    Host     = "localhost"
    User     = "postgres"
    Password = "*******"
    Name     = "payment"
    Port     = "5432"

func Setup() (*gorm.DB, error) {
    connectionString := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%s user=%s dbname=%s password=%s sslmode=disable",

    db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(connectionString), &gorm.Config{})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return db, nil

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notice that in this file, we defined the connection with enum to handle host, database name, and user authentication needed to connect into our database, also since we use postgre database we import only for the postgres driver

let's try our connection first in test.go file

package main

import (


func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    _, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {
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if the credentials provided in config.go are correctly provided, the program print "Connected" to mark our connection is successful. For this part, we ignore the return value first, since we are going to talk about in the next part


Model Definition

Let's try creating our first model, we will define the payment.go as our first table

package models

import (


type Payment struct {
    ID          uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;default:uuid_generate_v4();primaryKey;"`
    PaymentCode string
    Name        string
    Status      string
    Created     time.Time `gorm:"autoCreateTime"`
    Updated     time.Time `gorm:"autoUpdateTime"`
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Inside the struct that we named as payments, we defined the datatypes of every column inside it, you can see this docs on how to use it properly for your table definition

We will try to migrate this table definition inside model into our database, let's use the successful return value of gorm.DB in the earlier section and modify our test.go

package main

import (


func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    db, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {
    //migrate models inside project
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Notice the db.AutoMigrate function is use to call the migration if there are any change inside models folder, if there are nothing to change, then it will not make any changes into it

CRUD Handling


Let's try to cover create part this time, we will make the CreatePayment function outside the main function

func CreatePayment(db *gorm.DB, payment models.Payment) (int64, error) {
    result := db.Create(&payment)
    if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
        return 0, errors.New("payment not created")
    return result.RowsAffected, nil
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then run it inside our main

func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    db, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {

    // create a payment
    payment := models.Payment{
        PaymentCode: "XXX-1",
        Name:        "Payment for item #1",
        Status:      "PENDING",

    result, err := CreatePayment(db, payment)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Payment created", result)
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results in our database

Create results

Select with id

In earlier create function, we only return the number of rows that we created. This time we return the model as a struct

func SelectPaymentWIthId(db *gorm.DB, id string) (models.Payment, error) {
    var payment models.Payment
    result := db.First(&payment, "id = ?", id)
    if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
        return models.Payment{}, errors.New("payment data not found")
    return payment, nil
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in test.go

func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    db, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {

    // select a payment
    var id string
    fmt.Println("Input payment id : ")

    payment, _ := SelectPaymentWIthId(db, id)
    fmt.Println("Your payment is", payment)
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This time we will update the mark the status as PAID for the specific record

func UpdatePayment(db *gorm.DB, id string, payment models.Payment) (models.Payment, error) {
    var updatePayment models.Payment
    result := db.Model(&updatePayment).Where("id = ?", id).Updates(payment)
    if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
        return models.Payment{}, errors.New("payment data not update")
    return updatePayment, nil
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in test.go

func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    db, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {

    // select a payment
    var id string
    fmt.Println("Input payment id : ")

    payment, _ := SelectPaymentWIthId(db, id)
    fmt.Println("Your payment is", payment)

    // update a payment with previous id
    updatedPayment, _ := UpdatePayment(db, id, models.Payment{
        Status: "PAID",
    fmt.Println("Your payment status now is ", updatedPayment)
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notice the only information that returned inside struct is only the updated attributes


The last part is how to delete from tables

func DeletePayment(db *gorm.DB, id string) (int64, error) {
    var deletedPayment models.Payment
    result := db.Where("id = ?", id).Delete(&deletedPayment)
    if result.RowsAffected == 0 {
        return 0, errors.New("payment data not update")
    return result.RowsAffected, nil
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in test.go

func main() {
    //connect to postgresql
    db, err := config.Setup()
    if err != nil {

    // select a payment
    var id string
    fmt.Println("Input payment id : ")

    payment, _ := SelectPaymentWIthId(db, id)
    fmt.Println("Your payment is", payment)

    // delete a payment with previous id
    DeletePayment(db, id)
    fmt.Println("Your payment now is deleted")
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in our script
Results in script

let's see the results directly database
Results Deleted DB


That's it on how to handle CRUD and connection to database with Golang Gorm. This is really based on my experience and there's still so much more to explore about this package. Happy exploring!

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