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Cover image for How Much Have You Made Off Of DEV Monetization?
Yechiel Kalmenson
Yechiel Kalmenson

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How Much Have You Made Off Of DEV Monetization?

It's now over 2 weeks since DEV announced that it added Web Monetization:

I thought it would be fun for us to show off how much money we've all raked in!

person making snow angel in a pile of bills.

Personally I decided to point my content at my Bitcoin ledger, so I can finally say I own Bitcoin!

As you can see, I'm currently the proud owner of about ΰΈΏ0 (accurate to about 4 decimal places).

Screenshot of my Uphold balance showing a balance of 0.00043349 Bitcoin, or 3.98 USD.

Clearly I have a ways to go before I can quit my day job.

How much have you made so far?

Top comments (24)

sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas

I posted the first blog post yesterday and πŸ’Έ πŸ’Έ πŸ’Έ

bitcoin card

... which is $0,025 :D

How do you think you've made your fortune? You've written a few amazing posts and I'd guess that that's how your bitcoin is growing steadily?

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson


Yeah, I haven't written much in a while, but I have a lot of posts that I've written over time. I guess eventually the 0.0000001 BTCs add up πŸ˜‚

bajcmartinez profile image
Juan Cruz Martinez

wow, how do you cash with BTC? I'd love to receive it to my own wallet

sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas

I'm using uphold (as recommended by dev in this blog post) and they allow for the conversion/cashing.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Taking money out to a bank account is pretty trivial, I'm assuming to a bitcoin wallet should be pretty painless as well?

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I've made less than that. Nothing, actually, not even a zillionth of a groat. I think it's because I don't write much, don't promote my posts and nobody makes any money off this sort of thing. One of those, anyway :)

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

lol probably the last one ;)

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

I really want to know how much the Vaughn, Bostian and Spittel make on They are always posting out very interesting articles that attract a lot of traffic. I'm really curious to know how's it going for the most notorious writers here.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

I'm more curious to see what the generic DEV payment pointer is getting!

nishantwrp profile image
Nishant Mittal


Got this just a few minutes back :)

kene_nwobodo profile image
Kenechukwu Nwobodo • Edited

How long did it take you before you got this increment ?

downey profile image
Tim Downey

It's funny, I'm pointing mine at a BTC wallet as well for the same reason. I own 1E-5 of a Bitcoin now! πŸ˜‚

Or like 9 cents. πŸ€‘

This bit from the Coil FAQ is interesting:

The payout rate starts at $0.36 an hour. This amount tapers to a lower rate once you've streamed $4.50.

It's a bit surprising that payments from Coil are front-loaded to the beginning of the month. By the end, most Coil users would have burned through that... hence the fractional pennies. πŸ˜…

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Hmmm interesting!

I was curious about how the payments work lol.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Nothing at all. :(

Tangentally, I already had an Uphold because I actually do use Brave Rewards, but since most sites I use don't accept said Rewards, I get them back. I've made about $30 just from letting Brave show me anonymized ads. XD

bogdaaamn profile image
Bogdan Covrig

Although I did not post anything in a while, I got my share this morning – from the old posts I guess!

uphold screenshot with the 0.01 value

vikrantnegi profile image
Vikrant Negi • Edited
alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro • Edited

I've made $0.005 (half a cent) πŸ˜…

All in the first 24 hours... then nothing for the following 16 days (I haven't been too active lately.)

oxy_oxide profile image
Hamza Hesham

nothing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson
