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Which Framework is better for you Django or Express JS?

Table of Contents


Before diving into the comparison, let’s briefly introduce both frameworks:


  • Language: Python
  • Type: Full-stack, batteries-included web framework
  • Released: 2005
  • Primary Features: Admin panel, ORM, Authentication, Middleware, URL routing, and more.

Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows developers to build secure and maintainable websites rapidly. Its batteries-included approach provides built-in features like an admin panel, form handling, and an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).


  • Language: JavaScript (Node.js)
  • Type: Lightweight and unopinionated backend framework
  • Released: 2010
  • Primary Features: Minimalist, Middleware support, Route handling, and integration with Node.js packages.

Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a strong set of features for building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. It is widely known for its unopinionated nature, allowing developers the freedom to structure their applications as they see fit.

Core Differences

1. Architecture

  • Django: Follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture. It’s a more complete and opinionated framework with conventions and a defined project structure.
  • Express.js: Follows no specific architecture. It’s unopinionated, meaning developers have more freedom in how they structure their application. You can use MVC or any other structure you prefer.

2. Language

  • Django: Built on Python, which is known for its readability, ease of use, and widespread adoption in academia and research.
  • Express.js: Built on JavaScript, the language of the web. JavaScript is widely used on both the frontend and backend, making it easy to use one language throughout the stack.

3. Batteries-Included vs. Minimalism

  • Django: Comes with a built-in admin panel, authentication, ORM, and other utilities out of the box.
  • Express.js: Lightweight and minimalist. You need to add libraries as needed, giving more flexibility but requiring more setup.

Speed and Performance


Django is designed to handle complex tasks efficiently. While its ORM and extensive middleware can sometimes slow down performance, Django is optimized for building applications with large amounts of data and complex relationships. However, for real-time applications (e.g., chat apps), Django might not be the best choice due to its synchronous nature.


Express.js is known for its lightweight and asynchronous nature, making it faster than Django for many use cases. Its non-blocking I/O operations and the ability to handle numerous simultaneous requests make it ideal for real-time applications and APIs. However, the speed of your Express.js application will also heavily depend on the modules and structure you implement.



Django’s scalability largely depends on its configuration and how the application is structured. It is suitable for scaling horizontally by adding more machines or using microservices. The built-in ORM can handle complex queries, but at scale, raw SQL might be needed for performance optimization.


Express.js offers greater flexibility in scaling, thanks to its asynchronous nature. By using Node.js clusters, you can fully utilize multi-core systems. Express.js is often favored for microservice architectures, making it easier to scale parts of an application independently.

Developer Experience


Django offers an excellent developer experience with its “batteries-included” philosophy. It provides built-in features like an admin panel, form handling, and robust security measures. Its well-documented API and conventions also mean that developers spend less time configuring and more time building.


Express.js provides a minimalist foundation, which can be liberating for experienced developers but overwhelming for beginners. The need to choose your libraries and tools means it can be more complex to set up. However, the flexibility it offers is ideal for developers who like to have complete control over their tech stack.

Community and Ecosystem


Django has a large and mature community with plenty of third-party packages and plugins. Its ecosystem is well-documented, and there are numerous tutorials, guides, and StackOverflow answers available.


Express.js is part of the larger Node.js ecosystem, making it extremely popular and well-supported. The community is vast, and many Node.js libraries integrate seamlessly with Express.js, making it easy to find solutions and build complex applications.

Big Tech Companies Using Django and Express.js

Companies Using Django

  • Instagram: Uses Django for its backend to handle millions of users efficiently.
  • Pinterest: The platform’s core backend is powered by Django.
  • Mozilla: Django is used for some of Mozilla’s web services.
  • Disqus: Django was a natural choice due to its rapid development capabilities.

Companies Using Express.js

  • Uber: Uses Express.js for handling its real-time aspects and APIs.
  • IBM: Utilizes Express.js in many of its Node.js applications.
  • Accenture: Uses Express.js for its enterprise-grade solutions.
  • PayPal: Migrated from Java to Express.js for better performance and flexibility.

Conclusion: Which Framework is Better?

Choosing between Django and Express.js ultimately depends on your project requirements and developer expertise. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Choose Django if:

    • You need a full-fledged framework with built-in features.
    • You prefer a standardized and opinionated structure.
    • You are building data-heavy applications with complex relationships.
    • You prioritize security (Django provides many built-in security features).
  • Choose Express.js if:

    • You prefer a minimalistic and flexible setup.
    • You are building real-time applications like chat apps or collaborative tools.
    • You want full control over the tech stack.
    • You need a lightweight solution that scales efficiently.

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