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Discussion on: Should I use GitHub pages for my blog instead of WordPress?

17cupsofcoffee profile image
Joe Clay • Edited

Unless you have non-technical people writing posts on your site or need some kind of dynamic content, I'd definitely recommend going with a static site generator. To me, it feels like a bit of a waste to spend money on Wordpress/VPS hosting if all you're going to use it for is to display text.

I'd personally recommend Netlify instead of GitHub Pages, if you do decide to go that route. They have a few more features, a really good CDN and (most importantly, in my opinion) they support HTTPS with custom domains.

ardennl profile image
Arden de Raaij

Totally agree, try a static site generator! They're loads of fun! Here are some of the most popular ones:

harshitrathod profile image
Harshit rathod

So I give a shot to Netlify to compare with github pages.
Here is Result

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
17cupsofcoffee profile image
Joe Clay

Genuine question, as I'm fairly ignorant with regards to IPv6 - in what scenarios would that be an issue?