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Crystal Structure and Activity of the Endoribonuclease Domain of the piRNA Pathway Factor Maelstrom


PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) protect the genome from transposons in animal gonads.

  • MAELはショウジョウバエやマウスで見られるpiRNA-mediated transcriptional transposon silencingに必要な進化的に保存されているタンパク質である

  • Maelはhigh-mobility group(HMG)とMAEL domainにより構成される。

Maelstrom (Mael) is an evolutionarily conserved protein, composed of a high-mobility group (HMG) domain and a MAEL domain, and is essential for piRNA-mediated transcriptional transposon silencing in various species, such as Drosophila and mice.

However, its structure and biochemical function have remained elusive.

Here, we report the crystal structure of the MAEL domain from Drosophila melanogaster Mael, at 1.6 Å resolution.

  • MAELドメインがRNase H-like foldを持っているがRNase H-like superfamily nucleasesで保存されている標準的な触媒残基を欠いていることが明らかになった

The structure reveals that the MAEL domain has an RNase H-like fold but lacks canonical catalytic residues conserved among RNase H-like superfamily nucleases.

  • MAELはsingle-stranded RNA (ssRNA)に特異的なendonuclease活性を持つこともわかった

Our biochemical analyses reveal that the MAEL domain exhibits single-stranded RNA (ssRNA)-specific endonuclease activity.

  • ショウジョウバエにおいてはmaelのssRNA cleavage activityがなくてもpiRNA-mediated transcriptional transposon silencingが起こると示唆された

Our cell-based analyses further indicate that ssRNA cleavage activity appears dispensable for piRNA-mediated transcriptional transposon silencing in Drosophila.

  • MaelのpiRNA パスウェイにおける様々な役割を理解する鍵になる

Our findings provide clues toward understanding the multiple roles of Mael in the piRNA pathway.


Small RNA-based defense systems repress the aberrant expression of transposable elements (TEs) and thus maintain genome integrity in animal gonads (Malone and Hannon, 2009, Siomi et al., 2011).

The germline-specific PIWI clade of Argonaute family proteins and the 23- to 30-nt noncoding PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are the core of this defense system.

PIWI proteins bind piRNAs to form piRNA-induced silencing complexes (piRISCs), which silence their complementary target TEs at the transcriptional or posttranscriptional level (Malone and Hannon, 2009, Siomi et al., 2011, Ishizu et al., 2012, Luteijn and Ketting, 2013).

  • ショウジョウバエのPIWIタンパク質: Piwi, Aubergine (Aub), and Argonaute3 (AGO3)

The Drosophila genome encodes three PIWI proteins: Piwi, Aubergine (Aub), and Argonaute3 (AGO3).

  • ショウジョウバエ卵巣は濾胞細胞などの体細胞と保育細胞や卵母細胞などの生殖細胞により構成される

The Drosophila ovary consists of two types of cells, somatic cells such as follicle cells, and germ cells such as nurse cells and oocytes.

  • Piwiは体細胞と生殖細胞のどちらにも分布する。

  • 体細胞と生殖細胞はprimary piRNA pathwayに参加する

Piwi is localized in the nucleus in both somatic and germ cells, where it participates in the primary piRNA pathway (Czech et al., 2013, Handler et al., 2013, Olivieri et al., 2010).

  • 対照的にAub と AGO3 は生殖細胞の核周辺の顆粒(nuageと呼ばれる)に局在する

  • secondary piRNA biogenesisに参加する

In contrast, Aub and AGO3 are enriched in cytoplasmic perinuclear granules called nuage in germ cells, where they participate in secondary piRNA biogenesis (Brennecke et al., 2007, Gunawardane et al., 2007, Li et al., 2009, Malone et al., 2009).

  • ショウジョウバエ卵の体細胞のprimary piRNA pathwayでは一本鎖で長いpiRNAの前駆体が不連続な遺伝子座であるpiRNA clustersから転写される。その後Zucchiniと呼ばれる一本鎖に特異的なendoribonucleaseにより処理され成熟する。

In the primary piRNA pathway in Drosophila ovarian somatic cells, single-stranded, long piRNA precursors are transcribed from discrete genomic loci, called piRNA clusters, and are processed into mature piRNAs by the single-strand-specific endoribonuclease Zucchini (Zuc) (Ipsaro et al., 2012, Nishimasu et al., 2012).

  • primary piRNAsは核周辺の顆粒であるYb bodyにloadされる

The primary piRNAs are loaded into Piwi at cytoplasmic perinuclear Yb bodies (Saito et al., 2010).

  • piRISCが核に入りrepressive histoneであるH3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3)を促進する。それによりTE(トランスポゾン)を転写レベルでsilencingする

piRISC then enters the nucleus and promotes repressive histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3), thereby silencing target TEs at the transcriptional level (Sienski et al., 2012, Wang and Elgin, 2011, Le Thomas et al., 2013, Rozhkov et al., 2013).

secondary piRNAの生合成の経路では、Aub と AGO3は交互にトランスポゾンの転写物(それぞれsenseとantisense)を切断する、

In the secondary piRNA biogenesis pathway, Aub and AGO3 reciprocally cleave sense and antisense TE transcripts, respectively (Brennecke et al., 2007, Gunawardane et al., 2007).

このfeed-forwardなpiRNA増幅経路はping-pongcと呼ばれ、secondary piRNAの生合成とTE silencingを同時に行うことができる

This feed-forward piRNA amplification loop, called the ping-pong cycle, enables simultaneous secondary piRNA biogenesis and TE silencing.


Maelstrom (Mael) is an evolutionarily conserved protein implicated in the piRNA pathway (Lim and Kai, 2007, Soper et al., 2008, Aravin et al., 2009, Sienski et al., 2012, Castañeda et al., 2014).


In somatic cells of the fly ovary, Mael is predominantly localized in the nucleus (Sienski et al., 2012).

  • 対照的にハエ卵巣やマウス精巣の生殖細胞ではMaelは核や細胞質の顆粒に局在する

  • 顆粒はハエではnuage、マウスではpiP-bodies またはchromatoid bodiesと呼ばれる

In contrast, in germ cells of the fly ovary and mouse testis, Mael is localized in both the nucleus and cytoplasmic granules (nuage in flies, piP-bodies or chromatoid bodies in mice) (Findley et al., 2003, Costa et al., 2006, Lim and Kai, 2007, Soper et al., 2008, Aravin et al., 2009, Sato et al., 2011, Castañeda et al., 2014).

  • Maelは卵母細胞の発生や生殖幹細胞(GSC)の分化に関係がある

Mael is also implicated in various biological processes, such as oocyte development and germline stem cell (GSC) differentiation (Clegg et al., 1997, Clegg et al., 2001, Pek et al., 2009, Pek et al., 2012, Sato et al., 2011).

  • MaelはN末端のHMG domainと中央のMAEL domainにより構成され、RNase H-like foldをとるとバイオインフォマティクス的なアプローチで予測されてきた。

Mael is composed of an N-terminal HMG domain and a central MAEL domain, which was predicted to adopt an RNase H-like fold by a bioinformatics analysis (Zhang et al., 2008) (Figures 1A and S1).

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However, the biochemical function of Mael remains elusive.

maelのノックダウンはpiRNA生合成に影響しなかったがトランスぽゾンの抑制が脱抑制された。maelはPiwi-mediated TE silencingに不可欠。

In cultured Drosophila ovarian somatic cells (OSCs) (Niki et al., 2006, Saito et al., 2009), mael knockdown (KD) did not affect piRNA biogenesis but resulted in the derepression of TEs, indicating that Mael is essential for Piwi-mediated TE silencing (Sienski et al., 2012).

興味深いことに、maelのノックダウンはH3K9me3 patternsにあまり影響を与えなかった。maelはPiwiの仲介するH3K9me3の導入の下、または並行で働くと示唆された。

Intriguingly, mael KD only modestly impacted the H3K9me3 patterns at the target heterochromatic loci, suggesting that Mael acts downstream of or in parallel to the Piwi-mediated H3K9me3 modification (Sienski et al., 2012).


In addition, Mael has been implicated in piRNA biogenesis in germ cells of the fly ovary and mouse testis (Lim and Kai, 2007, Sienski et al., 2012, Aravin et al., 2009, Castañeda et al., 2014).


Despite the crucial role of Mael in the piRNA pathway, the molecular mechanism of Mael/Piwi-mediated TE silencing remains elusive, due to the lack of structural and biochemical information.

D. melanogaster MaelのMAELドメインの構造を解いた。

In this study, we solved the crystal structure of the MAEL domain of D. melanogaster Mael.

構造によるとMAEL domainはRNase H-like構造をとるが、RNase H-like superfamilyで保存されている標準的なcatalytic residuesを欠いていることがわかった。

The structure revealed that the MAEL domain adopts an RNase H-like fold but lacks the canonical catalytic residues conserved among the RNase H-like superfamily of endonucleases and exonucleases.

しかしMAEL domainはsingle-stranded RNA開裂活性をもち、それはMael/Piwimediated transcriptional TE silencing に必須ではないとわかった。

Moreover, our biochemical and biological analyses revealed that the MAEL domain has single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) cleavage activity, which appears dispensable for Mael/Piwi-mediated transcriptional TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs.


Our findings provide clues toward understanding the multiple functions of Mael in the piRNA pathway.


Crystal Structure of the MAEL Domain from D. melanogaster Mael


Crystal Structure of the MAEL Domain from D. melanogaster Mael
To gain mechanistic insights into the function of Mael, we attempted to determine the crystal structure of full-length D. melanogaster Mael (residues 1–459, referred to as FL-DmMael) but were hampered by its low expression levels in Escherichia coli.

FL-DmMaelの 「Limited trypsin proteolysis」 によりMAEL domainがよく発現していて、構造解析に適した安定な領域だとわかった。

Limited trypsin proteolysis... 限定プロテアーゼ処理 (Limited Proteolysis)

Limited trypsin proteolysis of FL-DmMael revealed that the MAEL domain (residues 84–333, referred to as DmMAEL) is a well-expressed, stable region suitable for structural analysis (Figure 1A).


Furthermore, we found that the substitution of a less-conserved cysteine residue (Cys228) with serine dramatically improved the diffraction quality.


亜鉛イオンはMael orthologs間で保存されるECHCモチーフと結合するとした以前のbioinformatics研究と一致する

X-ray fluorescence spectra of the crystal indicated that DmMAEL binds a zinc ion, consistent with a previous bioinformatics analysis suggesting that a zinc ion is coordinated by the ECHC motif, which is conserved among Mael orthologs (Zhang et al., 2008) (Figures S1 and S2).

DmMAELの結晶回折像を1.6 Å、nativeに結合している亜鉛イオンを用いたSAD法で決定した。

We determined the crystal structure of DmMAEL (C228S) at 1.6 Å resolution by the single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) method, using the intrinsic zinc atom (Figure 1B; Table S1).

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亜鉛はECHC モチーフのGlu131, Cys288, His291, Cys300と結合していた。

The structure revealed that DmMAEL consists of a twisted five-stranded mixed β sheet surrounded by 13 helices, with a zinc ion coordinated by Glu131, Cys288, His291, and Cys300 in the ECHC motif (Figure 1C).

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Dali searchによりDmMAELはエンドヌクレアーゼやエキソヌクレアーゼのRNase H-like superfamilyと構造的に類似しているとわかった。特にLassa virusのnucleoprotein(LASV NP)の様な、DEDDh family エキソヌクレアーゼと類似していた。

A Dali search (Holm and Rosenström, 2010) revealed that DmMAEL shares structural similarity with the RNase H-like superfamily of endonucleases and exonucleases (Majorek et al., 2014), especially with the DEDDh family exonucleases, such as a Lassa virus nucleoprotein (LASV NP) (PDB 4GV9) (Jiang et al., 2013).

LASV NPはウイルス応答インターフェロン産生の抑制に関わるエキソヌクレアーゼである。

LASV NP is a 3′–5′ exonuclease involved in the suppression of virus-induced interferon production (Martínez-Sobrido et al., 2007, Qi et al., 2010, Hastie et al., 2011, Jiang et al., 2013).

sequence identityは低いが、RNase H-like foldをLASV NPと共有している。

Despite their low sequence identity (∼13%), DmMAEL shares an RNase H-like fold, consisting of a five-stranded β sheet flanked by α helices on both sides, with LASV NP (Jiang et al., 2013) (root mean square deviation of 2.9 Å for 131 aligned Cα atoms) (Figure 1D).

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DmMAELのように、LASV NPはGlu399, Cys506, His509, and Cys529から成るECHCモチーフと結合した亜鉛イオンを含む。


Like DmMAEL, LASV NP contains a zinc ion coordinated by the ECHC motif, consisting of Glu399, Cys506, His509, and Cys529, which may contribute to structural stabilization or substrate binding (Qi et al., 2010, Hastie et al., 2011) (Figures 1E and S3A).

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なぜならECHC motifの点変異はDmMAELの溶解度を著しく低下させるから。

In DmMAEL, the bound zinc ion may play at least a structural role, since point mutations of the ECHC motif drastically reduced the solubility of DmMAEL in vitro (data not shown).

DEDDh familyエキソヌクレアーゼは触媒残基(Asp, Glu, Asp, Asp, and His; DEDDh motif)から構成された負に帯電した触媒溝をもち、two-metal-ion mechanismにより二重鎖RNAを切断する。

two-metal-ion mechanism...

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The DEDDh family exonucleases have a negatively charged catalytic groove formed by five invariant catalytic residues (Asp, Glu, Asp, Asp, and His; DEDDh motif) and cleave double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) through a two-metal-ion mechanism (Zuo and Deutscher, 2001).

LASV NPではcatalytic grooveはDEDDh motif内のAsp389, Glu391, Asp466, Asp533, and His528と、高度に保存されているSer430, Gln462, and Arg492の残基から構成されている。

In LASV NP, the catalytic groove is formed by Asp389, Glu391, Asp466, Asp533, and His528 in the DEDDh motif and the highly conserved Ser430, Gln462, and Arg492 residues (Hastie et al., 2012, Jiang et al., 2013) (Figures 1F and S3B).

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  • LASV NPのAsp389, Glu391, Asp466, Asp533, and His528残基はDmMAELのAla114, Asn116, Met218, Met304, and Tyr299に対応する。

The Asp389, Glu391, Asp466, Asp533, and His528 residues of LASV NP respectively correspond to the Ala114, Asn116, Met218, Met304, and Tyr299 residues of DmMAEL (Figures 1F and S3B).

  • したがって、LASV NPの触媒溝と対応するDmMAELの中央の溝は負に帯電していない。

Consequently, the central groove of DmMAEL, which corresponds to the catalytic groove of LASV NP, is not negatively charged (Figure 1G).

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In addition, the residues in the central groove are not conserved among Mael orthologs (Figures S1 and S2), suggesting that the central groove is less important for the function of Mael.

まとめとして、DmMAELの結晶構造はRNase H-like foldをとることが明らかになったが、RNase H-like superfamily members間で保存されている標準的な触媒残基を欠いているとわかった。

Taken together, the crystal structure of DmMAEL revealed that it adopts an RNase H-like fold but lacks the canonical catalytic residues conserved among RNase H-like superfamily members.

The MAEL Domain Has Single-Strand-Specific Endoribonuclease Activity

DmMAELがヌクレアーゼかどうか決定するために、精製したDmMaelを用いて、 5′ 32P-labeled 40-nt ssRNA を基質として調べた。

To determine whether DmMAEL is a nuclease, we measured the nuclease activity of purified DmMAEL using a 5′ 32P-labeled 40-nt ssRNA (40AS ssRNA) as the substrate.

意外にも、DmMAELは40AS ssRNAを分解した。

Unexpectedly, DmMAEL cleaved the 40AS ssRNA (Figure 2A).


The elution profile of purified DmMAEL correlated closely with that of the single-stranded ribonuclease (ssRNase) activity in gel-filtration chromatography (Figure 2A).

さらに、DmMAELは40AS ssRNAを量及び時間に応じて分解した。

Furthermore, DmMAEL cleaved the 40AS ssRNA in a dose- and time-dependent manner (Figures 2B and 2C).


These results revealed that DmMAEL is a ssRNase.

DmMAELのssRNase activityにはMg2+ or Ca2+の様な二価の金属イオンを必要としない。むしろそれらが存在すると抑制された。

The ssRNase activity of DmMAEL did not require divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+ or Ca2+, and was rather inhibited in their presence (Figure 2D).

これらの結果は、DmMAELがDEDDh family memberと、基質の分解にMg2+ and Mn2+を必要とする触媒残基を共有していないという構造的発見と一致している。

These results are consistent with our structural finding that DmMAEL shares no catalytic residues with the DEDDh family members, which require divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+ and Mn2+, for substrate cleavage (Zuo and Deutscher, 2001).

DmMAELの基質特異性を見るために 5′ 32P-labeled nucleic acid substratesの分解活性を見た

To determine the substrate specificity of DmMAEL, we next measured the cleavage activity toward a series of 5′ 32P-labeled nucleic acid substrates.

DmMAELは効率的にssRNAを分解したが、dsRNA と ssDNAは分解しなかった。

DmMAEL efficiently cleaved ssRNA, but neither dsRNA nor ssDNA (Figure 2E).

DmMAELは環状40AS ssRNAをを分解した -> DmMAELはendoribonuclease

DmMAEL cleaved circular 40AS ssRNA, indicating that DmMAEL is an endoribonuclease (Figure 2F).

40AS ssRNAの分解様式はDmMAELが優先的にssRNAをグアニン残基で分解することを示した。

The cleavage pattern of the 40AS ssRNA revealed that DmMAEL preferentially cleaves ssRNA at a guanine residue (especially at successive guanine stretches) (Figure 2E).

40AS ssRNA がDmMAELによる分解に影響する二次構造をとる可能性を排除するために、15-nt poly(A) RNA 基質に対するDmMAELのnuclease activityをグアニン残基の有無どちらについても測定した。

To exclude the possibility that the 40AS ssRNA adopts a secondary structure that affects the cleavage by DmMAEL, we measured the nuclease activity of DmMAEL toward 15-nt poly(A) RNA substrates with or without guanine residues, which are unlikely to adopt secondary structures.


DmMAEL cleaved 15-nt poly(A) containing guanine residues, but not 15-nt poly(A), confirming that DmMAEL cleaves ssRNA at guanine residues (Figure 2G).

次に40AS ssRNAの分解パターンをDmMAEL と RNase T1(ssRNAをグアニン残基の3'末端で分解する)で比べた。

We next compared the cleavage patterns of the 40AS ssRNA by DmMAEL and RNase T1, an endonuclease that specifically cleaves ssRNA at the 3′ side of guanine residues (Pace et al., 1991).

RNase T1は40AS ssRNAをどの場所のグアニン残基でも分解した。対照的に、DmMAELは3 nt from the 5′ endと4 nt from the 3′ endで分解しなかった。

RNase T1 cleaved the 40AS ssRNA evenly at guanine residues (Figure 2H). In contrast, DmMAEL did not efficiently cleave the 40AS ssRNA at 3 nt from the 5′ end (position 1) and 4 nt from the 3′ end (position 6) (Figure 2H).

DmMAELのssRNase に対する活性は25 mM NaCl存在下で阻害された。一方、RNase T1のssRNase に対する活性は100 mM NaClでも阻害されなかった。

The ssRNase activity of DmMAEL was inhibited in the presence of 25 mM NaCl, whereas that of RNase T1 remained robust in the presence of 100 mM NaCl (Figure 2I).

これらの酵素学的特徴の違いは、DmMAELのRNA分解機構はRNase T1と全く異なっていることを示す。

These differences in their enzymatic properties indicated that the RNA cleavage mechanism of DmMAEL is distinct from that of RNase T1.

nuclease activityがD. melanogaster Maelに特異的かどうか調べるために、カイコのmaelと、マウスのmaelについてssRNase activitiesを測定した。

To examine whether the nuclease activity is specific to D. melanogaster Mael, we measured the ssRNase activities of the purified MAEL domains from Bombyx mori Mael (residues 92–335, referred to as BmMAEL) and Mus musculus Mael (residues 83–327, referred to as MmMAEL) (Figure 2J).

BmMAEL と MmMAELは40AS ssRNAをDmMAELと同じ様に分解することを発見した。ただしMmMAELのssRNase 活性はDmMAEL や BmMAELと比べると弱かった。

We found that both BmMAEL and MmMAEL cleave the 40AS ssRNA in similar manners to that of DmMAEL, although the ssRNase activity of MmMAEL was weaker than those of DmMAEL and BmMAEL (Figure 2J).


Together, these biochemical data revealed that the MAEL domain is an evolutionarily conserved, single-strand-specific endoribonuclease.

Potential RNA-Binding Residues of the MAEL Domain

MAELが標準的な DEDDh motif を欠いているため、Mael orthologsの配列の保存性に着目してDmMAELの触媒残基を特定しようとした。

Since the MAEL domain lacks the canonical DEDDh motif, we tried to identify the catalytic residues of DmMAEL, based on the sequence conservation among Mael orthologs.

しかし、ECHC motifがsolvent accessible(溶媒露出)で保存された唯一の領域だとわかった。

However, multiple sequence alignments indicated that only the ECHC motif is solvent accessible and strictly conserved across the Mael orthologs (Figures S1 and S2).

DmMAELの結晶構造に基づいて、solvent-exposedかつ親水性の残基がそれぞれアラニンに置換された12個のDmMAEL mutantを用意した。

Thus, based on the crystal structure of DmMAEL, we prepared 12 DmMAEL mutants, in which the solvent-exposed, hydrophilic residues were individually substituted with alanine (Figure 3A).


All of the mutants eluted as a single monodisperse peak from the gel-filtration column (data not shown), confirming their structural integrity.

精製された変異体のssRNase activitiesを40AS ssRNAを基質として用いることで調査した。

We then examined the ssRNase activities of the purified mutants, using 40AS ssRNA as the substrate (Figure 3B).

K109A, K188A, N192A, E292Aの変異体はwild-type DmMAELに相当するssRNase activities活性を持っていた。一方K277A突然変異体は若干活性が下がった。

The K109A, K188A, N192A, and E292A mutants showed ssRNase activities comparable to that of the wild-type DmMAEL, and the K277A mutant showed moderately reduced ssRNase activity (Figure 3B).

対照的に、K140A, K199A, Q289A, D293A, D295A, D314A, and K328A突然変異体ではssRNase activitiesの著しい低下が見られた。Lys140, Lys199, Gln289, Asp293, Asp295, Asp314, and Lys328がssRNase活性に関わることを示す。

In contrast, the K140A, K199A, Q289A, D293A, D295A, D314A, and K328A mutants showed markedly reduced ssRNase activities (Figure 3B), indicating that Lys140, Lys199, Gln289, Asp293, Asp295, Asp314, and Lys328 are involved in the ssRNase activity.

DmMAEL, BmMAEL, and MmMAELが同じようにssRNAを分解したにもかかわらず、Asp295以外の残基は保存されていなかった。

Although DmMAEL, BmMAEL, and MmMAEL cleaved ssRNA in a similar manner (Figure 2J), these residues (except for Asp295) are not conserved among the Mael orthologs (Figure S1).

さらに、これらの突然変異ではssRNase activityは低下したものの、完全に無くならなかった。これはこれらの残基がssRNA bindingに関わるが触媒として働いている訳ではないと示唆する。

Moreover, these mutations reduced, but did not abolish, the ssRNase activity (Figure 3B), suggesting that these residues are involved in ssRNA binding, but not in catalysis.

正に帯電したLys140, Lys199, Lys328の様な残基はssRNA 基質の負に帯電したリン酸バックボーンと相互作用しうる。

The positively charged residues, Lys140, Lys199, and Lys328, would interact with the negatively charged phosphate backbone of the ssRNA substrates.

これらの残基は LASV NP の触媒溝に相当するcentral grooveの逆側に位置していた。

These residues are located on the opposite side of the central groove, which is equivalent to the catalytic groove of LASV NP (Figures 3C and 3D).

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central grooveがssRNase activityに関わるか調べるため、4つの additional DmMAEL mutants(N116A, M218A, Y299A, and M304A)を用意した。

これによりDEDDh motifを構成する残基一つ一つをアラニンに置換した。

To examine whether the central groove is involved in the RNase activity, we tried to prepare four additional DmMAEL mutants (N116A, M218A, Y299A, and M304A), in which the residues corresponding to the DEDDh motif were individually substituted with alanine.

これらの4つの突然変異体はE. coliで可溶性タンパク質として発現しなかったが、構造の純正さを保つのに必須であると示唆する。

These four mutants were not expressed in E. coli as soluble proteins (data not shown), suggesting that these residues within the central groove contribute to structural integrity.

加えて、C228S突然変異体はssRNase activityを示した。


In addition, the C228S mutant used for our structural analysis exhibited the ssRNase activity (Figure 3B), indicating that the C228S mutation does not have considerable impact on the structure and function of DmMAEL.

DmMAEL と RNase T1 がssRNAをグアニンで優先的に分解するため、それらの構造類似性,をみようとした。

Since both DmMAEL and RNase T1 preferentially cleave ssRNA at guanine residues, we attempted to detect the structural similarity between them.

RNase T1はssRNAを、保存されたヒスチジンを触媒残基としてmetal-ion-independent mechanismで分解する。

RNase T1 cleaves ssRNA through a metal-ion-independent mechanism, in which a conserved histidine serves as a catalytic residue (Pace et al., 1991).

DmMAELのHis329がDmMAEL, BmMAEL, and MmMAELで保存されている唯一のヒスチジンであるため、DmMAEL H329A mutantのRNase activityを測定した、

Since His329 of DmMAEL is the only histidine residue conserved among DmMAEL, BmMAEL, and MmMAEL (Figure S1), we examined the RNase activity of the DmMAEL H329A mutant (Figure 3A).


The H329A mutant retained the ssRNase activity, indicating that His329 is not involved in ssRNA cleavage (Figure 3B).


Thus, despite our numerous attempts, the RNA cleavage mechanism remains to be elucidated.

しかし、我々の変異解析はRNase T1またはDEDDh family membersと活性部位を共有しないという仮説を支持する。

Nonetheless, our mutational analyses support the notion that Mael does not share an active site with either RNase T1 or the DEDDh family members.

The ssRNase Activity of Mael Appears Dispensable for Piwi/Mael-Mediated TE Silencing in Drosophila OSCs

MAEL domainのPiwi/Mael-mediatedトランスポゾンサイレンシングへの寄与を見るために、DmMAEL, FL-DmMael、4つのECHC-motifの点変異体、ECHC-motifの4モチーフ全ての変異体をmaelをdepletedさせたOSCにおいて過剰発言させ、qRT-PCRによってトランスポゾンの発現レベルをモニターした。

To examine the contribution of the MAEL domain to Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing, we overexpressed DmMAEL, FL-DmMael, the four ECHC-motif single mutants (E131A, C288A, H291A, and C300A) of FL-DmMael, the ECHC-motif quadruple mutants (E131A/C288A/H291A/C300A) of FL-DmMael, and DmMAEL in mael-depleted OSCs and then monitored the expression levels of TEs by qRT-PCR.

FL-DmMael and DmMAELは体細胞のトランスぽゾンの抑制解除をレスキューした。これはMAEL domainがトランスぽゾンのサイレンシングに中心的な役割を果たしているという従来の結果と一致する。

FL-DmMael and DmMAEL rescued the derepression of a variety of somatic TEs (mdg1, 297, blood, Tabor, gypsy, and ZAM) (Figures 4A, 4B, and S4A), indicating that the MAEL domain plays a central role in Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs, consistent with a previous report (Sienski et al., 2012).


All of the ECHC-motif mutants of FL-DmMael and DmMAEL failed to rescue TE derepression (Figures 4A and S4B), highlighting the functional significance of the ECHC motif for Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing.

DmMAELのssRNase activityがPiwi/Mael-mediated トランスポゾンサイレンシングに関わっているかどうか調べるために、K140A, K199A, Q289A, D293A, D295A, D314A, and K328Aをmael-depleted OSCsに入れてトランスポゾンの抑制の解除があるかどうかみた。

To examine whether the ssRNase activity of DmMAEL is involved in Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing, we next overexpressed the seven ssRNase-deficient DmMAEL mutants (K140A, K199A, Q289A, D293A, D295A, D314A, and K328A) in mael-depleted OSCs and then monitored the levels of TE derepression.

wild-type DmMAELのように、改変ssRNaseはトランスぽゾンの抑制解除をレスキューした。

Like wild-type DmMAEL, all seven of the ssRNase-deficient mutants rescued TE derepression (Figures 4A and S4C).

DmMAELのECHC-motifの変異体は大腸菌において不溶性だったためssRNase activitiesを調べられなかった

Since the ECHC-motif mutants of DmMAEL were not expressed in E. coli as soluble proteins, we could not examine their ssRNase activities in vitro.

結果としてMaelのssRNA 分解活性はPiwi/Mael-mediated TE silencingに不要だとわかった。

Overall, these results suggested that the ssRNA cleavage activity of Mael appears dispensable for Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs.


DmMAELの結晶構造からDmMAELはRNase H-like foldを採用するがRNase H-like superfamily membersと触媒残基を共有しないことがわかった。

The present crystal structure revealed that DmMAEL adopts an RNase H-like fold but does not share catalytic residues with the RNase H-like superfamily members.

意外にもDmMAELはssRNase activityを持っていた

Unexpectedly, our biochemical analyses revealed that DmMAEL has ssRNase activity.

BmMAEL や MmMAELはssRNase activitiesを持っており、DmMAELにおける7つの潜在的なssRNA-binding 残基を特定した。

We further showed that BmMAEL and MmMAEL also have the ssRNase activities, and we identified seven potential ssRNA-binding residues of DmMAEL.

これらの結果はMAEL domainがssRNase activityを持っていることを強く支持した。RNase H-like superfamily nucleasesに保存されている活性部位を欠いている。

These results strongly support our surprising finding that the MAEL domain possesses the ssRNase activity, although it lacks the canonical active site conserved across the RNase H-like superfamily nucleases.


Previous studies showed that Mael participates in piRNA biogenesis in germ cells of the fly ovary and mouse testis (Lim and Kai, 2007, Sienski et al., 2012, Aravin et al., 2009, Castañeda et al., 2014).

マウスの精巣においてMael, the PIWI protein MIWI, and the Tudor-domain-containing protein TDRD6を構成するリボヌクレオタンパク質の複合体がpachytene piRNAの前駆体から成熟体への処理に関わっていることが知られている。

In the adult mouse testis, a ribonucleoprotein complex comprising Mael, the PIWI protein MIWI, and the Tudor-domain-containing protein TDRD6 is involved in the processing of precursor transcripts into mature pachytene piRNAs, a class of mammalian piRNAs (Castañeda et al., 2014).

特筆すべきことに、MIWIのヌクレアーゼ活性はpiRNA生合成に必要とされず、リボ核タンパク質の複合体は予想されるヌクレアーゼを持っていなかった。Maelはマウス精巣内でpachytene piRNAの処理を担っているのかもしれない。

Notably, the nuclease activity of MIWI is not required for piRNA biogenesis (Reuter et al., 2011), and the ribonucleoprotein complex lacks a potential nuclease (Castañeda et al., 2014), suggesting that Mael may be responsible for the processing of pachytene piRNA precursors in adult mouse testis.

このモデルはMmMAELがssRNase activityを持つという発見に一致する、

This model is consistent with our finding that MmMAEL exhibits the ssRNase activity.

これらの結果はmaelのssRNase activityがマウス精巣でpiRNA 前駆体の処理に関わっていると示唆する

Together, these observations suggested that the ssRNase activity of Mael is involved in the processing of piRNA precursors in mice.

以前の研究ではMAELドメインはDrosophila OSCsでのPiwi/Maelによるトランスポゾンのサイレンシングにおいて中心的な役割を果たしてきた。

A previous study showed that the MAEL domain plays a central role in Piwi/Mael-mediated TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs (Sienski et al., 2012).

OSCにおいて、maelのノックダウンはH3K9me3の形成にあまり影響しないが、標的となるヘテロクロマチンの遺伝子座において、RNA polymerase IIのoccupancyを高めることで(?)トランスポゾンを抑制する

In OSCs, the mael KD has mild effects on the establishment of H3K9me3 but increases RNA polymerase II occupancy at target heterochromatic loci, thereby resulting in the derepression of TEs (Sienski et al., 2012).


These observations indicated that Mael acts downstream of or in parallel to the H3K9me3 modification event.

大規模な遺伝子のスクリーニングにより、Piwi and Maelに加えて、zinc finger domain-containing proteinであるGtsf1やトン脱アセチル化酵素HDAC3やヒストンのシャペロンであるAsf1がハエの体細胞のpiRNA合成経路に関わっていると示された。

A large-scale genetic screen further indicated that, in addition to Piwi and Mael, the zinc finger domain-containing protein Gtsf1 (Dönertas et al., 2013, Ohtani et al., 2013) and several chromatin-associated factors, such as the histone deacetylase HDAC3 and the histone chaperone Asf1, are involved in the Drosophila somatic piRNA pathway (Handler et al., 2013, Muerdter et al., 2013).


Consistent with the previous report (Sienski et al., 2012), our cell-based analysis indicated that the MAEL domain is involved in TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs.

遺伝子改変による解析によると、MAEL domainのssRNase activityはトランスぽゾンのサイレンシングにssRNase activityは不要だとわかった。

Our mutational analysis further suggested that the ssRNase activity of the MAEL domain appears dispensable for TE silencing.

したがって、Maelは他のpiRNA 因子とMAEL domainで相互作用し、トランスポゾンのサイレンシングに関わっていると提案する。

Thus, we propose that Mael interacts with other piRNA factors via the MAEL domain and thereby participates in TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs.

bioinformaticsの解析ではMAEL domainは、触媒残基をDEDDhからECHCにすることでDEDDhエキソヌクレアーぜから進化した。だからnuclease activityを持っているのかもしれない。

A previous bioinformatics analysis suggested that the MAEL domain evolved from a DEDDh exonuclease by switching the catalytic residues from the DEDDh motif to the ECHC motif and that the MAEL domain may possess the nuclease activity (Zhang et al., 2008).


Consistent with this, our structural and biochemical data revealed that the MAEL domain lacks the DEDDh motif but shows ssRNase activity.

Mael orthologsでECHC motifが保存されていることを考えると、ECHC motifが触媒として働くのかもしれない。

Given that the ECHC motif is strictly conserved among Mael orthologs (Figures S1 and S2), the ECHC motif may play a catalytic role in addition to a structural role.

この考えはECHC motif付近にあり、高度に保存されているDmMAELのAsp295がssRNase activityに関わっていることからサポートされる。

This idea is supported by the observation that Asp295 of DmMAEL, which is highly conserved and located close to the ECHC motif, is involved in the ssRNase activity.

もしECHC motifが触媒反応に関わるなら、MaelのssRNase activityがDrosophila OSCsにおいてTE silencingにかかわると予想される。ECHC-motifを改変した結果トランスポゾンが起こらなかったからだ。

If the ECHC motif participates in catalysis, then it is possible that the ssRNase activity of Mael is involved in TE silencing in Drosophila OSCs, since the ECHC-motif mutants failed to rescue TE derepression in our cell-based rescue experiments.


All of the ssRNase-deficient DmMAEL mutants we examined in our cell-based assays retained slight ssRNase activities in vitro, which might be sufficient for TE silencing when overexpressed in OSCs.

rimary piRNAの生合成に関わるエンドリボヌクレアーゼであるZucに対する以前の研究では、トランスポゾンの抑制は触媒作用をなくしたZucの導入ではレスキューされなかったが、RNAに結合できないZucの変異体は説明不可能なssRNase activityを保持していた。

Indeed, in our previous study on Zuc, an endoribonuclease implicated in primary piRNA biogenesis, TE derepression was not rescued by the overexpression of the catalytically inactive Zuc mutant but was efficiently rescued by the overexpression of the RNA-binding-deficient Zuc mutants retaining residual ssRNase activity (Nishimasu et al., 2012).

maelによるトランスポゾンサイレンシングにおいてssRNase activityが必要でないとは言い切れない

Thus, we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the ssRNase activity of Mael is required for TE silencing.


  • ssRNAの分解機構

  • Mael内在性の基質ssRNA

  • MaelのssRNase活性の生理的関連性(?)


To fully understand the multiple roles of Mael, an enigmatic key factor in the piRNA pathway, it will be critical to elucidate (1) its ssRNA cleavage mechanism, (2) its endogenous ssRNA substrates, and (3) the physiological relevance of its ssRNase activity.

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