DEV Community

Esther mueni
Esther mueni

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Getting started with Esp-12F

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Esp-12F is a miniature WiFi Module present in the market. It is used to establish a wireless network connection for microcontrollers or processors. Esp-12F is based on the ESP8266 module, with built-in 32Mbit Flash, in the small SMD22 package.

There are many ways of programming Esp-12F module. Some include:

  • Using a dedicated programmer board
  • using NodeMCU
  • using a dedicated USB-to-Serial adapter
  • using a witty cloud development board

For this tutorial, I am using a dedicated USB-to-Serial adapter to program the Esp-12F module via Arduino IDE.


USB-to-serial FTDI(YP-05)
Esp-12F breakout board
A couple of jumper wires

Connecting the Devices

To make connection with Esp-12F module easier, I am using a breakout board.

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I am connecting the devices as shown below:

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Running the first program

The code I am using to get started with the Esp-12F module is a WiFi scan code. This program will scan all the WiFi networks within reach of the module.

Before running the code, I am installing FTDI drivers in my laptop. The documentation provided in the website provides a clear guide on the installation process. I am installing the divers to enable my Arduino IDE to read the FTDI as a COM port.

Once the installation is complete, I am uploading the code shown below for WiFi Scan. If the connection was correct and the code runs successfully, the Serial Monitor should display the WiFi networks within reach.

#include "ESP8266WiFi.h"
#define BLINK_PERIOD 250
long lastBlinkMillis;
boolean ledState;

#define SCAN_PERIOD 5000
long lastScanMillis;

void setup()



void loop()
  long currentMillis = millis();

  // blink LED
  if (currentMillis - lastBlinkMillis > BLINK_PERIOD)
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledState);
    ledState = !ledState;
    lastBlinkMillis = currentMillis;

  // trigger Wi-Fi network scan
  if (currentMillis - lastScanMillis > SCAN_PERIOD)
    Serial.print("\nScan start ... ");
    lastScanMillis = currentMillis;

  // print out Wi-Fi network scan result upon completion
  int n = WiFi.scanComplete();
  if(n >= 0)
    Serial.printf("%d network(s) found\n", n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      Serial.printf("%d: %s, Ch:%d (%ddBm) %s\n", i+1, WiFi.SSID(i).c_str(),, WiFi.RSSI(i), WiFi.encryptionType(i) == ENC_TYPE_NONE ? "open" : "");

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