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Aadil Bashir
Aadil Bashir

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Replicating Data from Oracle to PostgreSQL - A Comprehensive Guide


Data replication is a crucial process for businesses that rely on multiple database systems. One common scenario involves replicating data from Oracle, a widely-used relational database management system, to PostgreSQL, an open-source DBMS known for its robustness and cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, we'll explore the steps and methods for replicating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL, highlighting key considerations and best practices.

Why Replicate Data from Oracle to PostgreSQL?

  • Cost Efficiency: PostgreSQL is open source and free to use, making it a cost-effective alternative to Oracle, which can be expensive to license and maintain.
  • Performance: PostgreSQL offers excellent performance and scalability, which can be advantageous for applications with growing data volumes.
  • Ecosystem Compatibility: PostgreSQL integrates well with various open-source tools and platforms, aligning with the modern tech stack.
  • Data Migration: Replicating data allows for a gradual migration, reducing downtime and minimizing the risks associated with a full-scale migration.

Methods of Data Replication

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Tools:

  • Use ETL tools like Apache Nifi, Talend, or Informatica to extract data from Oracle, transform it if necessary, and load it into PostgreSQL.
  • These tools provide a visual interface for designing data integration workflows, making it easier to handle complex transformations.

Database Links and Triggers:

  • Oracle allows you to create database links to PostgreSQL and use triggers to capture changes in real-time or at specified intervals.
  • This method is more suitable for real-time replication scenarios, but it requires careful setup and monitoring.

Third-Party Replication Solutions:

  • Consider using third-party solutions like AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), Quest SharePlex, or EnterpriseDB's Replication Server.
  • These solutions often provide a user-friendly interface, support for heterogeneous databases, and real-time replication capabilities.

Key Considerations

  1. Schema Mapping: Ensure that the source Oracle schema is appropriately mapped to the target PostgreSQL schema, taking into account data types, constraints, and relationships.
  2. Data Transformation: Depending on the differences between Oracle and PostgreSQL, you may need to transform data during replication. Pay attention to data types, date formats, and character encoding.
  3. Data Consistency: Implement strategies to maintain data consistency during the replication process, such as using transactional replication or ensuring proper error handling.
  4. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitor the replication process to detect and resolve issues promptly. Implement backup and recovery procedures to safeguard your data.
  5. Security: Secure the data during transit and at rest, and ensure that the replication process adheres to your organization's security policies.

Best Practices

  1. Start with a Proof of Concept: Before implementing replication in a production environment, conduct a proof of concept to validate the chosen method and address any potential challenges.
  2. Document Your Replication Process: Maintain detailed documentation of your replication setup, including configuration settings, transformation rules, and monitoring procedures.
  3. Test, Test, Test: Thoroughly test your replication setup with a variety of data scenarios and edge cases to ensure data integrity and reliability.
  4. Plan for Scalability: Consider future data growth and design your replication solution to scale gracefully as your data volumes increase.


Replicating data from Oracle to PostgreSQL is a complex but valuable endeavor that can yield significant cost savings and performance improvements. By selecting the right method, addressing key considerations, and following best practices, organizations can ensure a seamless and efficient data replication process. With careful planning and monitoring, you can unlock the benefits of PostgreSQL while maintaining data consistency and integrity throughout the replication journey.

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