As a web developer, I sometimes describe my job as "making things talk to each other over the internet." HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I think I've learned more from this article then in my college classes about computer networks hahaha.
Congratulations for the awesome article, and I'll we waiting for the next part. :)
What a compliment! Thank you! 🥰
Great content, easy-to-understand. I have read lots of article about HTTP and didn't understand. I will be looking forward to your great works. much love and blessings to you. ❤
Thank you for the article! I am reviewing with many others and prepping for interviews. This article is great.
I loved this analogy
Nice and comprehensive stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
await axios.get('/abbey/http/part2')
😂 👏👏👏 I'm hoping to get part 2 out this week!
This is awesome!
It describes more than I actually require :D
Thanks a lot
This was an amazing read, keep up the great work.
Thank you! 😁
Wow, Thanks a lot.
I don't think you have seen http.dog yet : ) More images and status codes. Hope you like it.
I think I've learn more from this article thank you
but can you help me with ideas I'm software engineering student and a beginner
in teh
Very good beginners article, tho i knew all that stuff already, i am sure, that if i would not, this article would explain everything to me very clearly. Keep it up!