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Getting Started in a New Codebase

Abbey Perini on August 16, 2023

Watch the talk version on The Monthly Dev Whether it's contributing to open source or starting a new job, the first step is familiarizing yourself...
maxfindel profile image
Max F. Findel

Love the tips, thanks Abbey! Every time I have to deal with a new codebase, my first PR is to improve the README file. I read it completely first, then try everything that's on it to get the project up and running. I add to the README file every extra step I had to discover from colleagues (or the internet) and then send my first PR 😄

logarithmicspirals profile image

Number four is super important. I've been fortunate to be in work environments for most of my working life where asking questions is encouraged. Even then, some folks may have negative feelings about reaching out for help. However, sometimes the quickest way to deal with something is to get some support.

As far as number two goes, one key thing is to check the log output. If the app doesn't have logs there's not much you can do other than black box testing to try and understand how it works. Absence of logging compounded with spaghetti code can be extremely difficult to unravel and at that point you're going to have to start taking notes or drawing diagrams. One thing I like to advocate for now is better logging even on personal projects of friends. It makes life way easier for yourself and others if you've got good logging habits.

abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini

100% - I've been in environments where questions weren't encouraged, and some of my advice from that experience made it into the guide I linked. I've noticed that if you frame it as a technical problem and list all the things you've tried, there's usually at least one dev who wants to solve the puzzle.

It's interesting you say that about logs! I've been in environments where there was no logging and so much logging it's difficult to find the relevant ones. I guess as a result, I am always taking notes and drawing diagrams. 🤣

jimajs profile image
Jima Victor

"Feed the app bad data. I dare you." - Favorite line.
I'll be saving this for later

dricomdragon profile image
Jovian Hersemeule

Thanks for this article and for featuring the Lion King on the cover image ! 😁

Another tool for making diagrams : ; free software, light, available on the browser or with a desktop app, and many integrations with common tools (Atlassian Confluence or MediaWiki for example).

If you make a diagram to understand a new code base, don't miss the opportunity to share it !

jaustinuf profile image
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jaustinuf profile image
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user64bit profile image

This is Great!!
One more thing which we can do is, Analyzing other developer's commits and trying to understand their code.(also we can ask them if got confuse)

efosa_j profile image
Efosa Jeffrey

Some commit messages aren't great at all lol.

genlyai_ profile image
Walter Santos

That's great for a beginner like me, thank you. A beginner question: are there codebases that are 'meant' to be run only on cloud services, AWS for example (which I know nothing about)? Or the company will always have a 'local' codebase for testing and such?

abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini • Edited

In my experience, unless you're working on the application that is run in the cloud, there are usually environments always running for local development and testing (dev/develop and QA).

If there aren't continually running environments, I would be surprised if you were expected to stand up a cloud VM (virtual machine) without any instructions. In addition to costing money, there are typically enough permissions and authorization steps required that setting it up is documented somewhere. If it's not documented, there is usually the expectation that someone will have to help you get set up. After the VM is created, running the application in it is the same as described in step 2.

For something like a Docker container, you would have to learn the basics of the tool, but I'd also expect to be told what packages to install and where to pull the image from. Often, there's a configuration file similar to a manifest file with that information (for Docker it's compose.yaml). There also may be authorization steps and scripts for refreshing the data, just like a migration script for a database.

genlyai_ profile image
Walter Santos • Edited

Thank you for a very detailed answer. It helped a lot!

EDIT: my question was hypothetical. Obviously, if I'm new in a company, I wouldn't have lied in the interview and would have been honest about having no experience in cloud computing. So, if I got hired sill, they'd know that!

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abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini

😅 Not hypothetically, I was upfront about being fresh out of bootcamp with no cloud experience and still got put in charge of several VMs. One time I basically locked myself out of one and my sr dev had to help me stand it back up. Developers are often expected to learn new tools on the fly, so it was a good question.

mohitbansal321 profile image
Mohit Bansal

suppose i am working on a project some of technology i don't know and there are bug on that part then how can i handle that
can you make on specific for open source

alexbender profile image
Alex Bender

Here is the really cool book dedicated to that whole topic, titled "Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns"

zippcodder profile image
Deon Rich

Thanks for the tips! I'll be sure to apply them when the time comes : )

efosa_j profile image
Efosa Jeffrey

This was helpful, thanks!

samanmahmood profile image
Saman Mahmood

Break it and Then fixed it is superb .

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