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Discussion on: How to fake AWS locally with LocalStack

abduelwhidi2 profile image

Thanks for this article.
I am having issues running lambda functions on localstack. Did you guys try it out?
I started my aws service and seems working using the command.

docker run -e LAMBDA_EXECUTOR=docker -p 4574:4574 -e SERVICES=lambda -p 8080:8080 localstack/localstack &

I tried to upload a function, I have security issues

aws --endpoint-url=localhost:4574 lambda create-function --function-name=f1 --runtime=python2.7 --role=default --handler=lambda.handler --zip-file fileb://

But even the simple list does not work. I got:

Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "localhost:4574/2015-03-31/functions"
