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Discussion on: Symfony 5 development with Docker

abelardoit profile image
abelardoit • Edited

Hi there!
I am a beginner developer. I downloaded your project from your repo for learning purposes.
I use Maker Bundle to automatically create an user.
When I run the command (docker and mysql are already running):
php bin/console make:migration

this error is shown several times in a row:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution

Could be possible that this bundle is unable to know where my database is running? How could I solve this issue?

Any help would be welcome. Thanks for your excellent article and cheers.

fadilxcoder profile image

You should connect to you docker terminal to run the above command... It should be something like docker exec -it docker_container_name ash. Your docker_container_name should be listed in docker ps -a