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Testing Technique

Boundary Value Analysis
Boundary Value analysis is a software testing technique that evaluate the software performance at the boundaries or extreme input conditions. This technique is effective at identifying issues related to boundary conditions, where software behavior may differ significantly from the behavior within the normal input range. The boundary limits include the max , min and above and below the limit
Password Length:
Requirement: Passwords must be between 8 and 16 characters.
BVA Test Cases:
Test with passwords of lengths
7 (just below the lower boundary).
8 (on the lower boundary).
9 (just above the lower boundary).
15 (just below the upper boundary).
16 (on the upper boundary).
17 (just above the upper boundary).

Decision Table Testing
Decision table testing is a structured and systematic testing technique used to validate the correctness of a system's logic based on different combinations of inputs and it called as Cause-Effect table testing. It's particularly useful when dealing with complex business rules or scenarios this type of testing ensure that all possible combinations of conditions and their outcomes are tested, making it an effective technique for ensuring overall coverage.
Input Conditions:
Customer Type: Regular, Premium
Purchase Amount: Low < Rs.100, High >= Rs100

Condition 1 Condition 2 Output
Regular Low No
Regular High 10%
Premium Low 10%
Premium High 20%
Customer Type: Regular, Purchase Amt: Low
output: No Discount
Customer Type: Regular, Purchase Amt: High
output: 10% Discount
Customer Type: Premium, Purchase Amt: Low
output: 10% Discount
Customer Type: Premium, Purchase Amt: High
output: 20% Discount

Use case Testing
Use case testing is a method used to validating the system's behavior by testing its functionality against real-world scenarios. Use cases represent interactions between users and the system to achieve specific results. Use case testing ensures that the software application meets user requirements, behaves as expected in various user case , and provides value to its intended users
A user registers for a website by giving username, email address, and password.
User Test case:
User enters valid username, email, and password.
output: Registration is successful.
User enters an existing username with valid email, and password.
output: Registration fails with a message of username is already taken.
User enters valid username, invalid email format, and valid password.
Expected Outcome: Registration fails with a message of invalid email format.

LCSAJ Test method:
Linear Code Sequence and Jump (LCSAJ) testing method which comes under white-box testing technique that focuses on testing the different paths within a program's flow. It particularly follows the sequences of instructions within a program, including linear sequences and jumps that change the flow of execution. LCSAJ testing aims to ensure that all possible paths, transitions, and jumps within the code are tested, which helps identify potential logic errors, missing code , and unexpected behavior. It verifies the program's logic by testing all possible test case scenarios.
if x >0:
y = x*2
y = x-1
Test Case 1: x > 0
result: y = 2 * x
Test Case 2: x <= 0
result: y = x - 1

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