DEV Community

Adam Roynon
Adam Roynon

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React Native or Native

Simple question: React Native, Flutter, actually native (Java/Swift), or something else?

Top comments (6)

tootis profile image
Mohamed Anwer

I'd choose hybrid solutions like with ionic or framework7 or maybe even just nuxt/next app with cordova plugins especially if you are planning to build a web app; it would shorten your development time

But if performance is a requirement I'd go with Flutter

acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

What about if you were just building a mobile app, without a web counterpart, would you still choose hybrid/Flutter or go full native?

tootis profile image
Mohamed Anwer

My first choice will always be hybrid unless there is some performance requirement.
Hybrid apps are very fast to prototype and develop.

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acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

Are they faster to develop before you're more familar with that way or..?

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tootis profile image
Mohamed Anwer

If you are familiar with both ways, hybrid solutions will be faster and prettier

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acroynon profile image
Adam Roynon

Interesting, I've never tried either. Definitely something I'll keep in mind

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