William "Bill" Raymond has worked in the project management industry for over 20 years and inspired others to collaborate while bringing several teams together with the Agile Methodology. He is the founder of Cambermast; an award-winning strategic consulting firm focused on helping companies stay relevant in today's fast-paced, technology-driven company. Bill guides his clients through workshops where they learn how to innovate and use the methods of Agile Methodology to collaborate and create solutions through co-creation.
In this episode…How do you incorporate customer feedback into the way you do business? How does it add value to the way you serve your customers and to your own company structure? Change is something many companies resist because of the disruption it can bring about but if you know how to incorporate it well into your company’s systems, it can not only help you stay relevant, it can also open so many doors for you.
Bill Raymond, Founder, and CEO of Cambermast, a consultancy agency that helps companies stay relevant in whatever industry they are in, says that everything you need to know about incorporating change into your business can be found in the Agile Manifesto. The manifesto emphasizes the importance of co-creation and change and it also helps streamline collaboration between consumer and developer through agile techniques.
Join Agile in Action with host Bill Raymond in this episode as he talks to John Corcoran of Rise25 about the history of agile and why it works. Tune in to their discussion on why software developers need feedback from the customers they are creating the product for and how accepting and incorporating change can be a pivotal decision to a company’s success.