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How to sort an array alphabetically

Adam LaCombe on October 24, 2020

String.localeCompare() If you're working with a relatively small array, you could use localeCompare(). const arr = [ { name: "O...
bryceamcdaniel profile image

“This is how sorting works in all applications”
Umm no.

“I cannot imagine why would you want to sort any other way”
How about sorting user last names? Usernames? Emails? For directory listing? Literally any string you would like to maintain locale specific sorting.

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adamlacombe profile image
Adam LaCombe

@rtivital Take this array of german strings for example: ['Bären', 'küssen', 'Käfer', 'Ähnlich', 'Äpfel']

Sorting it using the method you provided will result in ["Bären", "Käfer", "küssen", "Ähnlich", "Äpfel"] which isn't correct.

The sorted array should look like ["Ähnlich", "Äpfel", "Bären", "Käfer", "küssen"]

There is a reason these locale functions exist.

bryceamcdaniel profile image
bryceamcdaniel profile image

I think you’re missing the point of locale specific sorting.

Can you fork my sandbox and show me where the sorting is not correct?

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adamlacombe profile image
Adam LaCombe • Edited

Interesting. I see your point. iPhone definitely sorts things differently than I would expect though. That may be because each app manifest indicates its language so they're able to separately sort russian and then english apps.

I created another codepen that sorts ['Я', 'ю', 'б', 'а', 'а', 'z', 'b'] using Intl.Collator(['ru', 'en']) which results in ["а", "а", "б", "ю", "Я", "b", "z"].

If we were to switch the locale order to `['en', 'ru']` it would result in `["b", "z", "а", "а", "б", "ю", "Я"]` So the order of strings with characters that exist in both locale will be sorted according to the first locale. I hope that makes sense.

Check out the documentation on Locale negotiation

bryceamcdaniel profile image

This doesn’t take into account internationalization though, correct?

adamlacombe profile image
Adam LaCombe

Correct. I made a quick codepen showing the difference when sorting some characters from the German alphabet