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The one about CSS vs CSS in JS

Adán Carrasco on April 06, 2020

An interesting topic when doing Web Development and nowadays not only Web Development is choosing how your Application will be styled. In today's p...
colewalker profile image
Cole Walker

I much prefer Scss stylesheets to css in JS. You get basically everything you could need out of Javascript, but with better reusability and performance. Additionally, it keeps the cascade which is good for learning and can easily be used to your advantage.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I see Tailwind as more of a problem in search of an audience than a solution in search of a problem.

peck_arthur profile image
Arthur Peck

I love styled-components in react!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

The problems with non-semantic frameworks are pretty well-documented. Having a set of utility classes like big 10pxpadding widemargin blacktext otherspecificthing in your HTML is not better than using inline styles. If your website has - for example - a Christmas takeover where things are restyled to be red and green and festive, you're in for a long, boring job rewriting all your components.

adancarrasco profile image
Adán Carrasco

In my current use case I'm mixing both approaches, using Cascading for the things that can be cascaded and CSS in JS for the things that are capable for that. Let's see where it will end. I will keep you guys posted. :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I understand how CSS in JS could be useful when creating an app like a spreadsheet or something - the same way I understand why people like non-semantic "utility" frameworks.

For use in general websites and apps I think it has no real redeeming qualities, because of the cascade. It's not just noise, it's like throwing away the entire point of stylesheets.

I can't think of any time I'd want to take a component and drop it onto another site with a completely different appearance and not want to style it to fit in. With CSS, and with sensible semantics, that's no issue; with CSS-in-JS it's more duplication of effort.

It also reduces your ability to drop the same component into different parts of the site. A component fitting in the header might display differently to one in a sidebar, for instance, and might behave differently when the browser resized or changed orientation or switched fro LTR to RTL reading directions. Managing that in JS is going to be a pain in the butt, but I expect people will come out with some over-engineered solution if they haven't already in order to reinvent the wheel.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I know what you're saying. My distaste for Tailwind, however, isn't an "initial" reaction, and it's not specific to Tailwind. I've been aware of variations on these ideas for years, and think they're a very bad direction for development to go.

I'm drawing the comparison between utility classes in general and the idea of CSS-in-JS, because I think that it's a similar fad, and that - barring some kind of AI revolution - it's going to cause a lot more problems as time goes by.

Maybe a better example would be comparing either to the use of tables for layout. You can see pros and cons for that, too - but people aren't making the case for switching to tables in 2020.

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng

Without styled system like Chakra UI or Rebass, I don't really like CSS-in-JS much. I prefer PostCSS with Tailwind.

adancarrasco profile image
Adán Carrasco

Didn't know about Rebass. Really cool component libraries! Thanks for sharing!

In my current use case I'm mixing both approaches, using Cascading for the things that can be cascaded and CSS in JS for the things that are capable for that.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I'm fairly sure I'm never going to like Tailwind. When I say it's in search of an audience, I mean it pretty much exists because it was low hanging fruit, a quick way to make something popular. People like it, yes, but people like mayonnaise too, so people can be wrong.

icyjoseph profile image
Joseph • Edited

CSS in JS when using CSS syntax, and injection of style tags, as in styled components, is great to take advantage of components hiding implementation details. When using JSX for example, the style becomes part of the JSX declaration!

As a consumer of a stylesheet API you gain tremendously over having to learn a map (class -> node) where, for instance, all the decisions made by the creator matter. Of course one can churn out wrapped components with already assigned class names, but that's just duplication of both CSS and JSX.

hamzahamidi profile image
Hamza Hamidi

The low performance of CSS in JS is a major issue for big applications, especially for mobile devices. Let's not also forget that today, more of half the internet traffic comes from mobiles devices.