For this final part I wanted to do something that was still interesting, but not a time consuming as making a custom pseudo ray-casting engine. So using the game engine I became very familiar with I saw their was an issue to implement tic-tac-toe a simple but popular game.
So I requested permission to work on the topic and started right away. First I setup some code to draw the game board to the screen then when a click event happens it will map the pixel coordinates click to the corresponding cell in a 3 by 3 array storing the previously placed pieces.
Then it will check to see if the "X" or "O" player has won if it hasn't it will cycle back to waiting for a click. Once a player has one or tied it will show a win message and end the game.
That concludes the Hackoberfest saga it was really quite the learning experience. I feel there was a lot of things, in particular time management better. Now that I've gone through this contributing to open source does not stress me out as much as it used to and I think I'm better at managing time.
The next post will be your regular scheduled programming about the AI CLI tool and Static Analysis.
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