
Cover image for The Ultimate Roadmap to a Full-Stack Developer

The Ultimate Roadmap to a Full-Stack Developer

Prayush Adhikari on February 22, 2024

We all wonder about the best way to start learning web development and how to become a successful full-stack developer in our career. Learning the ...
danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey

Add in git, CI/CD, basic networking, and basic cybersecurity, and then maybe you're getting near to it. On the soft skills side -- good written and verbal communications are also important. Being a dev in the modern business environment includes far more than just slinging code.

krishnaa192 profile image

I think you missed git and GitHub as it is Most important thing in Development. DRf(Django rest framework) documentation is also very easy and simple for beginners(I think you forgot to mention reference).Well explained about the concepts.

dallastechie profile image
Dallas Smith

A full stack developer should also learn core of React Js.

Here are some Benefits of React JS for Full-Stack Developers:

Efficient Development: React's component-based approach promotes code reusability, maintainability, and faster development cycles.
Cross-Platform Development: React Native allows building mobile apps with the same codebase, saving time and resources.

React JS offers significant benefits for both Full-Stack Developers seeking career advancement and companies looking for skilled developers to build modern, efficient, and user-friendly applications. The skills gained and opportunities unlocked make learning and hiring React JS developers a valuable investment in the current tech landscape.

afrowave profile image
Jimmy Gitonga

Well done. I completely agree with starting with the frontend. I would add that basics in UI/UX are important.

However, start with Astro/Svelte which are more friendly to beginners. This gives an easier uptake if one is moving to React.

All in all, this an excellent article for 2024.

skorphil profile image
Philipp Rich

I like roadmaps on, like Could be good starting point to start diving into topic

danizeres profile image
Dani Passos

This is a great overview, thanks for sharing 🔥

aayush518 profile image
Aayush Adhikari

It's beneficial. Thanks.

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

It is a useful website to know the route map for different skills in programming.

sushanslondhe profile image
Sushans Londhe

In backend para Node js is not framework it is just a runtime env

samuel2935 profile image


renatobritodev profile image
Renato Brito

Thank you for the explanation. This article certainly will help new developers to find out the way to start their journey.

steve-lebleu profile image
Steve Lebleu • Edited

For me you can add a lot of items. Obvisously it's not fixed and it depends of many parameters, but be a full stack developer in 2024 it's clearly sport !

There is my status on the same subject published one month ago (in french):

Ten years later, être développeur full stack JS en 2024

Evolutions, tendances et challenges techniques qui attendent le développeur full stack Javascript en 2024.

hssanbzlm profile image
Hssan Bouzlima

I really liked your writing style 👏👏

sushanslondhe profile image
Sushans Londhe

Complete Roadmap here from 2023 to 2024 with changes,
*What you need to learn right now in current market *
Full-Stack Developer Roadmap

rushiljalal profile image
Rushil Jalal

It's wild that The Odin Project isn't included in the resources.
It is one of the best resources to become a full-stack developer out there.

yunesh_shrestha_92d55c598 profile image
Yunesh Shrestha

Great content!