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Telegram - The one Messenger app to rule them all

Aditya Mitra on October 30, 2019

I have been using Telegram Messenger for almost a year now. It has now become my personal preference for instant chat messaging. Telegram has it al...
jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard β€’ β€’ Edited

Nice post. I love Telegram too.

I want to become less dependent on Facebook and convincing friends to switch from WhatsApp and messenger to Telegram has worked out pretty well.

Also I use Telegram as my bookmark manager and to send notes to myself in the future.

I don't agree with the title however that there can or should be one single messaging app that rule them all.

It's all context dependant.

Signal or Threema are probably better in a professional context where security matters a lot

In a work context, something more asynchronous (not Slack) will probably allows people to focus more.

jeikabu profile image
jeikabu β€’

I've lived a bunch of places, and work with partners in a bunch of other places. My work phone has:

  • Telegram
  • WhatsApp
  • Skype
  • Skype for Business
  • Teams
  • Chime
  • WeChat
  • Xoom

Telegram is ok, but I go through phases of either hating or merely tolerating all of them. Except for Skype for Business, which I always hate.

I do like Telegram's ability to edit/delete messages and decent PC app (although I wish it had more in the way of settings). It's biggest problem is too many people aren't on it. =)

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra β€’

Which instant messaging platform do you prefer?

jeikabu profile image
jeikabu β€’

"Meatspace" ;)

danjessen profile image
Dan Jessen πŸ‰ β€’

So no Slack ... how odd!

jeikabu profile image
jeikabu β€’

We used it briefly at one company. But it didn’t work well in China and didn’t want people to have to use VPN all the time, we dropped it.

john__mct profile image
John McTavish β€’

Also love Telegram. A few things to add:

  • The super-clean 'instant view' feature for reading news articles. Also a good way to get around some paywalled content.
  • The multi-device syncing really works! Unlike slack, which leaves a red notification bubble on my iPhone even after I've read all the new messages on desktop, forcing me to open the app just to clear it. I know other messenger apps have figured this out but WTF slack?
  • The 'Edit' - > 'Read All' shortcut on mobile is a sweet way to clear the notification bubble on iOS.
dvc_96 profile image
Ω…ΩŽΨ³ΩˆΩ…ΩŽΨ³ΩˆΨ― β€’

Telegram is Best messenger app in world !! we use it in Iran with vpn because government blocked that ! :)) but we just use that

pavelloz profile image
PaweΕ‚ Kowalski β€’ β€’ Edited

Telegram will not be sold.

And bitcoin can only go up. ;-))

panoscool profile image
Panos K. β€’

There is one missing thing so, encrypted calls, it will be a great future if they added to the app.

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra β€’

Yes man
Agreed with you

aahnik profile image
Aahnik Daw β€’

whatsapp is crap. I hate it like anything.

obaaa8 profile image

Me too

billymawahib profile image
Urip Hidayat β€’

Excuse me, i repost your article.
Credit & source are included.

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra β€’

My pleasure!
Hey, but please mind spelling my name correctly - It is Aditya Mitra

jeansmaug profile image
jean-smaug β€’

Do you know how Telegram makes money ?

adityamitra profile image
Aditya Mitra β€’

But I would love to listen.

mithlajkn profile image
Mohammed Mithlaj β€’

I love it... but still most people just use it for sharing large files like movies etc.