DEV Community

Adrian Fathan
Adrian Fathan

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Hono Authentication Example App using masfana-mongodb-api-sdk, Cloudflare, and Cloudflare Workers

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This project is an example of a lightweight authentication system built using the following technologies:

  • Hono Framework: A fast web framework for the Edge.
  • masfana-mongodb-api-sdk: A MongoDB API SDK for handling MongoDB operations. masfana-mongodb-api-sdk
  • Cloudflare Workers: Serverless execution environment for running apps at the Edge.
  • Hono Sessions: Middleware to manage user sessions stored as cookies.


  • User registration and login with credentials stored in MongoDB.
  • User sessions using cookies, with session expiration.
  • Simple protected route example requiring authentication.
  • Logout functionality to clear user sessions.
  • Deployed on Cloudflare Workers for edge performance.


Before running the application, you will need:

  1. Cloudflare Workers Account: Set up and configure Cloudflare Workers.
  2. MongoDB API Key: Create an API key and set up the masfana-mongodb-api-sdk with your MongoDB instance.
  3. Hono Framework: This is used to create the web application.

Getting Started

Installation 1. Clone the repository:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <project-directory>
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2. Install dependencies:

If you're using a package manager like npm or yarn, install the necessary dependencies:

npm install hono masfana-mongodb-api-sdk hono-sessions
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3. Set up MongoDB connection:

In your application, replace the MongoDB connection details with your own:

const client = new MongoDBAPI<User>({
  MONGO_API_URL: "your-mongo-api-url",
  MONGO_API_KEY: "your-mongo-api-key",
  DATABASE: "your-database",
  COLLECTION: "your-collection",
  DATA_SOURCE: "your-data-source",
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4. Deploy to Cloudflare Workers:

You'll need to configure your Cloudflare Workers environment. Follow the Cloudflare Workers documentation for deployment.

Project Structure

  • index.ts: This file contains the main application logic, including session management, user registration, login, logout, and protected routes.
  • MongoDBAPI: This is the MongoDB client used to handle CRUD operations with the MongoDB database.


  1. Registration Route (POST /register):
    • Allows users to register by providing a username and password.
    • Stores user credentials in the MongoDB database.
  2. Login Route (POST /login):
    • Verifies user credentials against the MongoDB database.
    • If successful, a session is created for the user, storing their ID in a session cookie.
  3. Logout Route (GET /logout):
    • Clears the session and logs the user out.
  4. Protected Route (GET /protected):
    • Only accessible to authenticated users with an active session.
    • Returns a personalized message based on the session data.
  5. Home Route (GET /):
    • Displays basic user information and login/registration forms.
    • Accessible to both authenticated and non-authenticated users.


  • Session Management: Sessions are managed using the hono-sessions library, with cookies securely stored and marked as HTTP-only.
  • Encryption Key: Ensure you replace the encryption key with a secure, random string.

Example Usage

Once the app is deployed, users can:

  1. Register a new account by entering a username and password.
  2. Log in using their credentials, which will create a session.
  3. Access protected content by visiting the protected route, available only after logging in.
  4. Log out, which will clear their session and log them out of the app.


To deploy this application on Cloudflare Workers:

  1. Set up a Cloudflare Workers environment and install Wrangler (npm install -g wrangler).
  2. Deploy the application using:

    wrangler publish

  3. Your application will be deployed at your Cloudflare Workers URL, accessible globally.

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