Due to events outside of our control, Aria, Tage and me were forced into a situation where we had to launch a successful and profitable ChatGPT-bas...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
At big bureaucracies, the left hand doesn't know or care what the right hand is doing
I know. The last 5 to 10 years, there's been a significant degrading of Google's products, to the point where they're almost useless now. Try adding an SMTP email to your Google Business Suite account. I spent 3 hours trying to do it, and I couldn't figure it out ...
Look at their hiring process.
To go to Google you have to be willing to waste a lot of time in their process, memorize the "groking the coding interview" book and plant red black trees in a Google docs.
At some point if you hire like, you get lots of people good at doing those things, which is not the same as people you would need to maintain products well
I remember when the used to be "the cool guys", back in the days - No more ... :/
Absolutely, it was my dream company, that's why I don't hold my punches
Google code is plain crap. Lighthouse says "no document.write". Who breaks it gazzilion times? Google ads. Google translator, so slow to load. No cache / cdn. Poorly optimised JS and images. And so on, and so on ... they try to dictate how webs should look like yet to fail badly. Dont be evil. Yeah, right ....
Their stuff isn't even minimised for the most part, so yes, their code is crap. Interestingly, I wouldn't even consider hiring a dev myself producing stuff such as this. Yet at Google, I assume these devs are paid 200K+ per year ... :/
Regarding reCaptcha, one suggestion from me would be to only load the script when required for the UI.
One example would be to only load the reCaptcha script on form focus, or when a Modal opens, etc. That way we're pretty sure of the users intent.
I've seen great results from this on a variety of third-party scripts.
Hmm, that's actually a pretty amazing suggestion - Thx mate, sound of me going back to my JavaScript ^_^
Make a contact page and only load the captcha on that page will spear the rest of your website
Actually, I had the exact same idea today myself. I've already almost implemented it, and it speeds up things a lot. Thank you for the advice, it's a brilliant idea :)
I applaude your attitude to build a profitable solution without much hesitation... But aren't there already too many chatGPT solutions?.... How do you plan to market your solution, how are you sure it is gonna be profitable?
We were the first one actually, in a "different company" though (75% of the team, same tech), so I could return the question. However, we've got a "bajillion" features in ours - Check it out here ==> Trump Chatbot
I will take a look at it, thanks... Anyways, best of luck in your endeavor
Thank you :)
I love how you've pulled these threads together, congrats!
Thx Mike, it was a rough week though ;)
The good ol says of pixel perfect html at breakneck speed. I miss that.
You don't need to miss it. Even if you don't want to use Hyperlambda, you've still got Jekyll and others providing similar stuff. Of course, Hyperlambda does server side rendering, while Jekyll is a build pipeline - However, if you're OK with combining your stuff with an HTTP API, even Jekyll should suffice ... :)
However, yes you're right, I missed it too - So much I figured I'd bring it back, and created a Hyperlambda resolver giving my dynamic Hyperlambda-based "server side includes" allowing me to (still) dynamically build HTML on the server for SEO purposes and such ...
I load recaptcha after user interaction (click, scroll, etc...)
It is a brilliant idea actually. Thank you ^_^
Incredible work!
Thx mate, amazing team becomes brilliant products ^_^
Amazing work, with amazing technology!
I don't think you'll ever manage to get to the 0.1%
You might get to 1‰ thought.
👍Keep up the great work.
Hahahaha, thank you, I stand corrected!!