If you’re into tech stocks, you might have noticed the unexpected boom in Netflix subscriptions over the last few months. Some people may have seen it coming, while others might be surprised. Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to spot this kind of meteoric rise in a company’s popularity?
There are many tools that can show traffic over time (though this could also be influenced by advertising, etc.). Generally, when people talk a lot about a product or company—or when they search for it in large numbers—this might signal that something is worth investigating. Of course, there might be other explanations for rising interest, so it’s always good to look deeper.
In the case of Netflix, the reason is simple: they experienced a massive increase in subscriptions. As a result, many people started searching for Netflix and related terms.
There are plenty of SEO tools available that analyze traffic and provide a lot of insights about a website’s traffic, keywords they rank for, and more. Many are based on Google Ads data and organic searches. One such tool is Semrush.
For Netflix, we can already see in the organic keywords a sharp increase in 2024, which could be an indication of high demand for this company.
Other providers like SimilarWeb, Ahrefs, and more offer similar services. The differences usually lie in the depth of analysis and, of course, the cost. The subscriptions for these tools can be expensive, with basic plans sometimes starting at around $100 per month.
Using a Simple Google Search
Can we find similar indicators more cheaply? Yes, we can, by performing a straightforward Google search.
Example 1: Netflix
- Open Google and log in (this is necessary to see more detailed data in some regions).
- Click on “Tools.”
- Narrow down the date range.
Now, you can see on the right side the total number of searches for that keyword.
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