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Building a Simple Web Application Security Scanner in Python


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, web security is paramount. A Web Application Security Scanner plays a crucial role in identifying vulnerabilities. This article provides an introduction to build a simple scanner using Python, focusing on system design, architecture, design patterns, and data modeling.

System Design and Architecture

Modular Architecture
Our scanner adopts a modular approach, ensuring scalability and maintainability. Key components include:

  1. Scanning Engine (SE): Coordinates the scanning process and manages interactions between various components.
  2. Vulnerability Modules (VMs): Dedicated modules for different vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF.
  3. Report Generator (RG): Compiles findings into comprehensive reports.

Design Patterns in Architecture
The application leverages several design patterns:

  1. Factory Method (Not elaborated in this article, but serves as an idea): This pattern dynamically creates instances of VMs based on scanning requirements, enhancing flexibility.
  2. Command Pattern: Encapsulates scanning operations as commands, allowing for easy execution, logging, and queuing.

Data Models
Two primary data models structure the system's operation:

  1. Scanning Profile: Dictates scan parameters like depth and targeted vulnerabilities.
  2. Vulnerability Report: Details the vulnerabilities found, with severity ratings and remediation suggestions.
  3. Implementation: SQL Injection Module

The SQL Injection Module exemplifies the application of our design principles in a real-world context.

Script Overview

import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

class SQLInjectionModule:
    def __init__(self, target_url):
        self.target_url = target_url
        self.test_payloads = ["'", "' OR '1'='1", "' OR '1'='1' --"]

    def scan(self):
        # Get all forms from the target URL
        response = requests.get(self.target_url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
        forms = soup.find_all('form')
        for form in forms:
            form_details = self.get_form_details(form)
            for payload in self.test_payloads:
                self.test_payload_injection(form_details, payload)

    def get_form_details(self, form):
        # Extract form details
        details = {}
        action = form.attrs.get("action").lower()
        method = form.attrs.get("method", "get").lower()
        inputs = []
        for input_tag in form.find_all("input"):
            input_type = input_tag.attrs.get("type", "text")
            input_name = input_tag.attrs.get("name")
            inputs.append({"type": input_type, "name": input_name})
        details["action"] = action
        details["method"] = method
        details["inputs"] = inputs
        return details

    def test_payload_injection(self, form_details, payload):
        # Test the form with the payload
        url = urljoin(self.target_url, form_details["action"])
        data = {}
        for input in form_details["inputs"]:
            if input["type"] == "text":
                data[input["name"]] = payload
        if form_details["method"] == "post":
            response =, data=data)
            response = requests.get(url, params=data)
        if self.is_vulnerable(response):
            print(f"SQL Injection vulnerability detected, form action: {form_details['action']}")

    def is_vulnerable(self, response):
        # TODO Define an approach to check if the response indicates a vulnerability
        errors = {
            "you have an error in your sql syntax;",
            "warning: mysql",
        for error in errors:
            if error in response.content.decode().lower():
                return True
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    scanner = SQLInjectionModule("")

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Script Analysis

  1. Modular Approach: Represents a VM, functioning autonomously while integrating with the SE.
  2. Factory Method: Instances of this module are created dynamically, as per the Factory Method pattern.
  3. Command Pattern Application: The scan() method functions as a command within the broader system architecture.

Advanced Features and Expansion

  1. Additional VMs: Development of further modules to cover a wider range of vulnerabilities.
  2. SE Integration: Seamless integration of these modules with the SE for coordinated operations.
  3. Enhanced UI and Reporting: Development of an intuitive UI and a robust reporting system.

Detailed Workflow

  1. Initiation: The UI takes user input to define the scanning profile.
  2. Module Selection: The SE, using the Factory Method, selects appropriate VMs based on the profile.
  3. Scanning Process: Each VM executes its scanning logic, encapsulated as commands.
  4. Result Compilation: As VMs identify vulnerabilities, they use the Observer pattern to relay this information back to the SE.
  5. Report Generation: The RG collates these findings into a structured report for the end-user.

Challenges and Solutions

Performance Optimization: Implementing asynchronous scanning and efficient data handling to manage performance.
False Positive Reduction: Employing advanced algorithms and heuristics to minimize false positives.
Continuous Updates: Keeping the scanner updated with the latest vulnerability signatures and detection logic.
Unit Testing: Ensuring reliability and correctness of individual modules.
Integration Testing: Verifying the seamless functioning of modules within the system.
Real-world Testing: Using known vulnerable applications like OWASP WebGoat to test the scanner's effectiveness.
User Documentation: Detailed guides on setup, configuration, and report interpretation.
Deployment Strategy: Packaging the application for ease of installation and use, considering containerization for better environment control.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Permission-Based Testing: Emphasizing the need for authorization before scanning any web application.
Legal Compliance: Adhering to legal requirements and ethical standards in the deployment and use of the scanner.


Building a Web Application Security Scanner is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. This project not only bolsters your Python and software design skills but also deepens your understanding of web application vulnerabilities. As the threat landscape evolves, the scanner must adapt, incorporating the latest in vulnerability detection and software architecture trends. This tool, when fully realized, becomes an indispensable part of any developer's or security analyst's toolkit, providing insights and foresight in the crucial domain of web security.

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