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Aizat Ibraimova
Aizat Ibraimova

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Arrays and Hashes

Codecademy Cheatsheet

Ruby Array

In Ruby, an array is an ordered collection of Ruby objects separated by commas and enclosed in []. An array can contain the same or different types of Ruby objects, such as Integers, Strings, Floats, etc. An array can also be empty.

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
#An array of Integers

words = ["See", "Spot", "run"]
#An array of Strings

mixed = ["hello", 5, true, 3.0]
#An array with a String, Integer, Boolean, and Float

empty = []
#An empty array
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Ruby Array Index

In Ruby, each item inside of an array is at a numbered position called an index. The first item is at index 0, the second item is at index 1, and so on. We can access the ith element of an array by putting the index in square brackets after invoking the array’s name; this is known as access by index

example = ["Car", "Boar", 45, 9.9, true]

#For an array named `example`, you can retrieve an item of a particular index by referencing its index.

puts example[2] # => 45
puts example[0] # => Car
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Arrays of Arrays

multi_d_array = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]

multi_d_array.each { |x| puts "#{x}\n" }

#[0, 0, 0, 0]

#[0, 0, 0, 0]

#[0, 0, 0, 0]

#[0, 0, 0, 0]

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Ruby Hash

In Ruby, a hash is a collection of key-value pairs.

A hash is denoted by a set of curly braces ({}) which contains key-value pairs separated by commas. Each value is assigned to a key using a hash rocket (=>). Calling the hash followed by a key name within brackets grabs the value associated with that key.

profile = {
  "name" => "Magnus",
  "profession" => "chess player",
  "ranking" => 1,
  "grandmaster?" => true

# "name", "profession", "ranking", and "grandmaster?" are the keys. "Magnus", "chess player", 1 and true are the values.

puts profile["name"] # => Magnus

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P.S Hashes are like JS objects.

Ruby Hash New

In Ruby, a hash can be created through literal notation (because we are literally assigning what key=>value pairs we want in the hash) or by assigning a variable equal to which generates a new, empty hash.

#Creating a hash through literal notation:
lunch = {
  "protein" => "chicken",
  "greens" => "lettuce",
  "organic?" => true

#Creating a hash through
lunch =
puts lunch # => {}
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Adding to a Hash
We can add to a hash two ways: if we created it using literal notation, we can simply add a new key-value pair directly between the curly braces. If we used, we can add to the hash using bracket notation:

pets =
pets["Stevie"] = "cat"
# Adds the key "Stevie" with the
# value "cat" to the hash

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Ruby Method .Each

In Ruby, the .each method is used to iterate over arrays and hashes. This allows each element in an array and each key-value pair in a hash to be iterated.

#In this example, the each method iterates over every color in the colors array and prints it to the console.

colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"]

colors.each { |color| puts color }

#When iterating over hashes, two placeholder variables are needed to represent each key/value pair.

polygons = {
  "pentagon" => 5,
  "hexagon" => 6,
  "nonagon" => 9

polygons.each do |shape, sides|
  puts "A #{shape} has #{sides} sides."
#A pentagon has 5 sides.
#A hexagon has 6 sides.
#A nonagon has 9 sides.
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Iterating Over Multidimensional Arrays

s = [["ham", "swiss"], ["turkey", "cheddar"], ["roast beef", "gruyere"]]

s.each { | sub_array | sub_array.each { | item | puts item} }


s.each do | sub_array |
  sub_array.each do | y |
    puts y
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Iterating Over Hashes

When iterating over hashes, we need two placeholder variables to represent each key/value pair.

restaurant_menu = {
  "noodles" => 4,
  "soup" => 3,
  "salad" => 2

restaurant_menu.each do |item, price|
  puts "#{item}: #{price}"
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Sorting the Hash

colors = { 
  "blue" => 3,
  "green" => 1,
  "red" => 2
colors = colors.sort_by do |color, count|

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  1. In the example above, we first create a hash called colors that maps color strings to numbers.
  2. Then, we sort colors into green, red, and blue, from smallest to largest by count. Just so you know, the .sort_by function returns an array of arrays, but that’s fine for our purposes.
  3. Finally, we reverse the array order so that the colors with the largest counts are first.


puts "Enter a phrase you'd like to analyze: "
text = gets.chomp

words = text.split

frequencies =

words.each { |word| frequencies[word] += 1 }

frequencies = frequencies.sort_by { |word, count|
  count }


frequencies.each { |word, count|
  puts word + " " + count.to_s }

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