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One Week Away

One week away from starting my journey into becoming a web developer, basically long story short I am attending a coding bootcamp at UNC Charlotte. I am a former chef that worked in the hospitality industry for over 14 years, and I am 36 years old. For anyone reading this that is diving into a career change I completely get your mind right now, the what if question always seems to pop in the head. It's hard coming from something you know so well to something so vast, challenging, and ever evolving. Let me just say "I understand!" My brother is the one that got me interested in this path, he is a front-end developer. He gave me a lot of valuable resources to just learn basics, one I personally have been learning the most from is "Web Dev Simplified." I personally just like how he teaches and explains each process of coding. I just started out with his beginner course on YouTube and just coded along with him. I built my first website with him which was a victory in itself! I just started learning a very small fraction of JavaScript on "Code Academy", which as been very resourceful. To every person that is entering this industry I wish you nothing but success! I will try to post another blog on my progress during the bootcamp.

Top comments (2)

colinmtech profile image
Colin Morgan

Good luck! Remember that perseverance gets you further than anything else. I do coaching/mentoring for tech. If you get to the point where you need some help or guidance figuring out the next steps, get in touch!

ajenkinsynwa profile image
