GitHub Actions x DEV Hackathon
My Workflow
DevHub A Social network for developers, It is a MERN stack based social network app that includes authentication, profiles and forum posts.
Submission Category:
DIY Deployments, Phone Friendly and Wacky Wildcards
Yaml File or Link to Code
Social network for developers. It is a MERN stack based social network app that includes authentication, profiles and forum posts.
Social network for developers. It is a MERN stack based social network app that includes authentication, profiles and forum posts.
Quick Start 🚀
Add a default.json file in config folder with the following
"mongoURI": "<your_mongoDB_Atlas_uri_with_credentials>",
"jwtSecret": "secret",
"githubToken": "<yoursecrectaccesstoken>"
Install server dependencies
npm install
Install client dependencies
cd client
npm install
Run both Express & React from root
npm run dev
Build for production
cd client
npm run build
Test production before deploy
After running a build in the client
And run...
NODE_ENV=production node server.js
Check in browser on http://localhost:5000/
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