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Akshay Acharya
Akshay Acharya

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How to start writing your first blog 🧑🏻‍🏫

Blogging has become increasingly popular over the years, with millions of people around the world creating and reading blogs. Blogs can be used for a variety of purposes, including personal expression, building a brand or business, sharing information and knowledge, and connecting with others who share similar interests.

Blogs typically feature a series of posts, which are displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Posts can include text, images, videos, and other media, and can be organized into categories and tags for easier navigation.

As a student, blogging can be a great way to share your experiences, knowledge, and perspectives with others. You can write about topics related to your field of study, share insights on your academic journey, and offer advice to other students who may be going through similar experiences. Blogging can also help you build a personal brand and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

As a developer, blogging can be a way to showcase your skills and knowledge, share your projects and insights, and connect with others in your field. By writing about development topics, you can demonstrate your expertise and build a portfolio of work that can help you land new opportunities or collaborations.

Here are some steps/ways to help you get started:

1. Choose a topic: Decide on the topic or niche you want to focus on. It's important to choose something that you are passionate about and have knowledge or expertise in. This will make it easier for you to create content that resonates with your audience.

2. Choose a blogging platform: There are several platforms available for blogging, including WordPress, Blogger, medium, and Wix. Consider the features, ease of use, and cost of each platform before choosing one.

3. Pick a domain name: Your domain name is your website's address on the internet. Choose a name that is easy to remember and relevant to your blog's topic.

4. Set up hosting: You will need to choose a web hosting service to host your blog. Some popular options include Bluehost, SiteGround, and HostGator.

5. Install your blogging platform: Once you have chosen your platform and hosting, you will need to install your blogging platform. This can typically be done with a few clicks through your hosting provider.

6. Customize your blog: Choose a theme, customize your blog's appearance, and create pages such as About, Contact, and Home.

7. Create content: Start creating content for your blog. Make sure your content is high-quality, engaging, and relevant to your audience.

8. Promote your blog: Share your blog posts on social media, engage with other bloggers in your niche, and use SEO strategies to help your blog rank higher in search engine results.

You can write blogs on your own personal websites. This is a great way to build your own personal brand, connect with other in their field etc.

Why developers use personal websites?

There are some reasons to use personal sites:

1. Showcasing their skills: By writing about development topics, developers can demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in their field. This can help them build a personal brand and increase their visibility to potential clients, employers, or collaborators.

2. Networking: Personal websites can also be a way for developers to connect with others in their field. By sharing their thoughts and experiences, developers can attract like-minded individuals and start conversations that lead to new opportunities or collaborations.

3. Building a portfolio: Writing about development topics can also help developers build a portfolio of work that demonstrates their abilities. They can showcase their projects, share code snippets and demos, and offer insights into their development process.

4. Learning and growth: Blogging can also be a way for developers to continue learning and growing in their field. By researching and writing about development topics, they can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and share their findings with others.

How blogger earn money?

Blogging can also be a way to make money. Now come to our mind, how blogger earn money? But did you know how? Now we are going to explore how bloggers earn money & the different strategies they use to monetize their content.

1. Advertising: One of the most common ways bloggers earn money is through advertising. By displaying ads on their website or blog, bloggers can earn revenue based on the number of clicks or impressions generated by those ads. Some popular ad networks include Google AdSense,, and Amazon Advertising.

2. Affiliate marketing: Another popular strategy for bloggers to earn money is through affiliate marketing. This involves promoting products or services on their blog and earning a commission on any sales made through their affiliate link. Some popular affiliate programs include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.

3. Sponsored content: Bloggers can also earn money by creating sponsored content for brands or companies. This involves writing a blog post or creating a video that promotes a product or service, in exchange for a fee or other compensation. Sponsored content can be a lucrative way for bloggers to earn money, but it's important to disclose any sponsored content to your audience.

4. Digital products: Many bloggers also earn money by selling digital products, such as e-books, online courses, or webinars. By leveraging their expertise in a particular subject area, bloggers can create valuable resources that their audience is willing to pay for.

5. Consulting or coaching: Finally, some bloggers earn money by offering consulting or coaching services related to their area of expertise. This can be a great way to monetize your knowledge and help others succeed in their own endeavors.

With persistence, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt, anyone can turn their blog into a successful business and earn money doing what they love.

That's all.

If you have any question, drop a comment below.


Top comments (3)

kaykleinvogel profile image
Kay Kleinvogel

Welcome to the dev community!

Writing online is one of the biggest life hacks there is.
Getting started and keep writing is probably the biggest task to do.

However, I recommend that new writers (like myself) don't create a blog on their own platform but instead use an existing platform (like dev, medium, Twitter).

It has the advantage that there are already users reading your content. If you're writing on your own platform, nobody knows about it, and you have to convince them to read your content. It's also less friction to get started. There is no need for design, providers, or hosting. You can just start writing.

Nicolas Cole (from Ship30for30) has a fantastic deep dive on this topic if you'd like to dive deeper.

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

If you're wondering anything else, don't hesitate to reach out and ask. 😀

akshayacharya profile image
Akshay Acharya

This is a quite interesting step-by-step tutorial on how to create the first blog on dev. I love it. I am talking about all kinds of platforms that I have written about in this post. Thank you so much for reading this