While this guide is primarily targeted towards usage with Azure Web apps and Sitecore ASP.NET solution deployed on them, still it is possible to use it on on-premise solution with other types on ASP.NET projects, running on Windows.
Reasoning behind this
Why I actually started building all this thing up, ignoring interesting Helix publishing pipeline or dropping idea of storing source and transformation files in my source control?
In Helix publishing pipeline I do not like the fact that I could not use different transformation based on roles, where I am deploying (if it is there - can you point it to me?).
When storing vanilla config in source control - I do not like the fact that I will need to update it when I am updating Sitecore version (hence, merging and solving possible conflicts).
So, I decided to build this transformation thing anew, almost from scratch. I used the same idea as used in Helix publishing pipeline: store only transformation files under source control, as, in general, they are generic. Also, I agreed on following naming convention:
- configFileName.config.xdt - transforms config file with name configFileName.config lying at this path for all environments
- configFileName.config.xdt.roleName - transforms config file with name configFileName.config lying at this path when deploying this particular role
param( | |
[string]$folderWithTransforms, | |
[string]$webRoot, | |
[string]$roleName, | |
[string]$transformationAssemblyPath | |
) | |
Write-Output "Starting collecting files for transformations" | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($folderWithTransforms)) { | |
Write-Output "folderWithTransforms is not defined, so we are assuming it is same folder as script" | |
$folderWithTransforms = $PSScriptRoot | |
Write-Output "folderWithTransforms is $folderWithTransforms" | |
} | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($webRoot)) { | |
Write-Output "Webroot is not defined - so, we'll try to define it by convention" | |
$webRoot = Join-Path -Path $folderWithTransforms -ChildPath ..\.. -Resolve | |
Write-Output "webRoot is $webRoot" | |
} | |
function TransformFile { | |
param( | |
[string]$fileToTransform, | |
[string]$transformationFile, | |
[string]$transformationAssemblyPath | |
) | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($transformationAssemblyPath)) { | |
Write-Output "Loading Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll from script directory" | |
Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot\Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll | |
} else { | |
Write-Output "Loading Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll from $transformationAssemblyPath" | |
Add-Type -Path $transformationAssemblyPath | |
} | |
$target = New-Object Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.XmlTransformableDocument; | |
$target.PreserveWhitespace = $true | |
Write-Output "Loading $fileToTransform" | |
$target.Load($fileToTransform); | |
Write-Output "Transforming $fileToTransform with $transformationFile" | |
$transformation = New-Object Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.XmlTransformation($transformationFile); | |
if ($transformation.Apply($target) -eq $false) | |
{ | |
throw "XDT transformation failed." | |
} | |
$target.Save($fileToTransform); | |
Write-Output "Finished transformation" | |
} | |
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($roleName)) { | |
$filter = ".xdt" | |
} else { | |
$filter = ".xdt.$roleName" | |
} | |
$extensionFilter = "*$filter" | |
Write-Output "Filtering for $extensionFilter" | |
$helixFolders = "Hotfix", "Website", "Project", "Foundation", "Feature" | |
$transformationFiles = @() | |
foreach($folder in $helixFolders) { | |
#to get ordered transformation - I wish to traverse folders based on theirs helix naming convention | |
$helixTransformPath = Join-Path $folderWithTransforms $folder | |
$transformationFiles += Get-ChildItem -Path $helixTransformPath -Filter $extensionFilter -r | |
} | |
foreach($transformFile in $transformationFiles) { | |
$configToTransform = $transformFile.FullName.ToLowerInvariant().Replace($folderWithTransforms.ToLowerInvariant(), [string]::Empty) | |
if ($configToTransform.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("bin") -or $configToTransform.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("obj")) { | |
continue; | |
} | |
$regex = [regex]::new(".+code\\(.+)\$filter") | |
$configToTransform = Join-Path $webRoot $regex.Replace($configToTransform, '$1') | |
TransformFile -fileToTransform $configToTransform -transformationFile $transformFile.FullName -transformationAssemblyPath $transformationAssemblyPath | |
} |
That's is a script, which could be uploaded to web app and executed via Kudu. Script wants several parameters:
- folderWithTransforms - (optional) folder, where all transform files are residing; if not specified - script folder is taken
- webRoot - (optional) folder, where webRoot could be found; if not specified, folder 2 levels upper is taken
- roleName - optional, if there is a specific tranformations for this particular role
- transformationAssemblyPath - if Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll is not at the same path as script
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