DEV Community

5 things you should avoid in your dev journey

Alexandra on April 13, 2024

Being a developer in this market is tough. πŸ₯² It is a marathon, not a quick run. It comes with many challenges, triumphs, and, inevitably, mistakes....
bklau2006 profile image
BK Lau β€’

Ignoring Documentation is the top cardinal sin I observed a lot in my past 25 years in software.
This is especially true after Agile Manifesto came out which unfortunately signaled to developers to give lip service to documentation.
I have seen the amount of pain that lack of documentation had brought to developers who had to maintain or extend the existing codebase.
Many developers had to quit because they couldn't stand the daily pain of having to browse unproductively in large and obscure code bases.
GenAI might be able to help using a tool like ChatGPT.

ale3oula profile image
Alexandra β€’

Very well said :)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ β€’ β€’ Edited

The testing thing is weird to me. I test, sure.. but almost always manually. I've been a professional developer for nearly 30 years and have very rarely used automated testing... and it's never been a problem.

ludamillion profile image
Luke Inglis β€’

Testing is one of those things that people have strong feelings about but don’t usually think critically enough about.

Testing is testing. Manual testing is still testing. There are things that a good QA engineer will think of that you won’t when writing automated tests.

With manual testing, however, I do think it’s important that the person testing the code isn’t the person who wrote it if at all possible. We as developers tend to test what we know will work.

The primary benefits of automated testing are twofold: reproducibility and verifiability.

They are reproducible in that any time they run they are testing the same thing under the same conditions. A human tester is going to mess up now and then.

They are verifiable in that you can look at the code and see what it does. Every step and assertion is that in black and white. Also when the tests are run they either run or fail loudly. While I’m a fairly trusting person I only have your word for it as another dev or QA engineer that you performed all the manual tests that you claim.

drjasonharrison profile image
Jason Harrison β€’

When the system becomes large enough that activity in one part affects another in a way that breaks idempotency, or failures are a possibility, then manual testing becomes much more difficult to do without at least a checklist.

Turning the checklist into automated tests gives you more time to do other things than execute manual tests.

ale3oula profile image
Alexandra β€’

I have been to companies that mindlessly pushed code without even testing their changes :) Manual testing, is still some form of testing.

mathieu_hamel_219329d40a7 profile image
mathieu hamel β€’

So you never manage to do it efficiently so it was probably better for you not to do it.

Only because you THINK you did great doesn’t mean you did. I never change the oil of my car and never had a problem: doesn’t mean it was the right decision.

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore β€’

Well said Alexander,
I could not agree more on the points you made. If I were to add a sixth recommendation it would be an extension of point 5, "Manage Technical Debt", don't let it just accumulate. It needs to be prioritised, just like features, and time alloted to address major issues immediately.
If your client/product owner resists it is worth considering how not addressing some issues might adversely impact planned features, and include them as enabling tasks in the scope of the feature.

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal β€’

I dont know much about these practices, but yea, now that I've come across this post of your, i will try to inculcate these practices!

Thank you!

thiagoanjos profile image
Thiago β€’

Recently I had to work on a feature wich the story had few lines, but there was a link to the api documentation, however my tech lead, describe the story, normally we develop the new delivery based on the story written by the techinal leader, but this time I decide do read the api documentation and discover a lot of new things that was not at the story, so... read documentation can be a pain in the ass, but it is really necessary, thanks for the post.

kasinathcr profile image
Kasinath Conjeevaram Ravi β€’

All very basic but very valuable insights!

turtlewake profile image
Sean Davis β€’

Thanks for taking the time to write out some tips for us newbies! ❀️

I do find myself skimming documentation a lot, mainly because I don't really understand what any of it means (yet) haha. I know reading it would help me understand but I just felt like I was rabbit holing too much and got way off track of what I was actually doing. πŸ˜‚

gadrawingz profile image
Gad Iradufasha β€’

All 5 points are true!
A great tip!

grooms_nicholas profile image
Zack Grooms β€’

These are handy tips. Testing is something I feel is boring, but I do see the importance.
Thank you for the post.

pinotattari profile image
Riccardo Bernardini β€’

About reading documentation

Remember: two days of debug can save you one hour of documentation reading

emmabase profile image
Emmanuel Eneche β€’

Great thoughts! Thank you for sharing.