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Alex M
Alex M

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How to Check if an Object is Empty in JavaScript

How to... js series

In JavaScript there is no default method or length property on the object, it is only available to arrays and strings that have the length property. Nor .size available for Set objects.

Besides that, using equality operator to compare two objects, it compares their references in memory, not their contents.


const isEmptyObject = ({} === {}) // or equality operator ==
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test('should be empty or {}', () => {
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FAIL should be empty or {}

Since here are two different objects, even if they have the same properties and values or none at all, the comparison will return false because they are not the same object in memory.

Loops ( can solve this, but ECMAScript6 offers cleaner ways to check if an object is empty.

✨ Object.keys()

The Object.keys() static method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property names.

➔ More detail about enumerable properties and own properties


const users = {'1': {name: 'alex'}}
const currentUser = {}
const isEmptyUser = Object.keys(currentUser).length === 0
const isEmptyList = Object.keys(users).length === 0
// or
// const isEmptyList = !Object.keys(users).length
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test('should be empty object', () => {

test('should not be empty object', () => {
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PASS should be empty object
PASS should not be empty object

It is possible achieve the same with Object.values() and Object.entries()

NOTE: When there is not guaranty that a value is an object is necessary validate the type to prevent Uncaught TypeError using Object methods caused by null and undefined. Any other type returns an array as expected.


const user;

// it is enough to prevent the error
 const isEmptyList = !Object.keys(user).length
// or
isEmpty = (value)=> !(value && Object.keys(value).length)
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But validating before whether the value type is actually an Object makes more sense in some cases.

➔ More detail about How to Check if a Value is an Object

🤐 JSON.stringify(): The ugly and unreliable way

The JSON.stringify() static method converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string.

⚠️ NOTE: undefined, function and Symbol as value in object property are ignored


const user = {}
const currentUser = { validId: (id) => id > 100 }
const isEmpty = JSON.stringify(user) === '{}'
const isEmptyUser = JSON.stringify(currentUser) === '{}'
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test('should be empty object', () => {

test('should detect validId property', () => {
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PASS should be empty object
FAIL should detect validId property

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