DEV Community

Alex Alves
Alex Alves

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User Secrets in your .NET Project

Genarally, we need to include some sensitive data in our appsettings.json file, like a connection string that content a username and password or a something kind of private key:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "MongoDb": "mongodb://mongoadmin:secret@"
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However, the exposure of these credentials is not safe and is not a good practice either. And, when a developer get your repository, maybe they need to do adjust your docker images or change the sensitive data/connection strings to attend the project.

Let's see how can we solve this! 🤓

User Secrets

This is a way that allows us to manage sensitive data for .NET on local development.

So, to configure it in your project, you'll need something like below in your Startup/Program class:

    .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, configurationBuilder) =>
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Now, we need to configure our secrets, right?
First, let's open the startup project folder and, next open the terminal, and follow the commands below:

  • To enable secret storage:
    dotnet user-secrets init

  • To add a secret:
    dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:MongoDb" "[YOUR CONNECTION]"

  • To add a secret in a list:
    dotnet user-secrets set "PrivateKey[0]" "[YOUR KEY]"
    dotnet user-secrets set "PrivateKey[1]" "[YOUR KEY]"

  • To list the secrets:
    dotnet user-secrets list

  • To remove a secret:
    dotnet user-secrets remove "ConnectionStrings:MongoDB"


  • Never store passwords or other sensitive data in source code
  • Production/Staging/Development should not be used for local test/development
  • Sensitive data should not be deployed with the app
  • You should store sensitive data in a protected environment/tool, like Azure Key Vault


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