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How I launched a 5-figure business while working as a full-time software dev. And how you can do the same

Alex Bezhan on January 10, 2021

As a software developer, I’ve been dreaming about having my own “passive income” for years. I was fascinated by this idea of money coming to my ban...
musgrove profile image
Michael Musgrove

You glossed over some of the most important factors of the equation, which is persistence and being able to not only shake off failure but learn from it and plow forward using that knowledge. That's the executive part that eludes people and separates the men from the boys in any business. Teaming up with someone can be good, and it can be terrible. Be careful who and how you pair up with a partner.

hoffmann profile image
Peter Hoffmann

For me it sounds like cheating: You can't be working full-time AND spend 2h every day on your side buissness (unless your full-time job is not realy full-time).

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Time management and stop doing other things that don't matter, like buying groceries, cooking, etc :)

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg • Edited

Unless they dedicated some of their free time to it? It's totally possible. You work 8hrs a day, I presume you sleep somewhere around 8hrs a day, and that leaves you another 8hrs of potential = 24hrs in a day.

How many hours do you spend watching TV a day?

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

On point :)

pywannabe profile image
Pythonic Wannabe

Great article, thanks!

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

You are welcome

spiritupbro profile image

what do you mean by facebook ads? you promote your software through facebook?

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

We run facebook ads to drive traffic to customer's Amazon products

spiritupbro profile image

gotcha write article about your experience in toptal please 🙏

Thread Thread
alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Good idea. Could you please list some specific things that you want me to tell you about?

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spiritupbro profile image
  1. how you get into toptal? the interview process
  2. how can we got a job i toptal through bid or company hiring us? is it hourly rate or fixed rate? is there any fee after job complete like upwork has 10% or something fee after completing a job
  3. what is your experience aftet you get into toptal, is there any company hiring you? or you are the one who search for a job like in upwork?

that's pretty much it

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Good article lots to learn from this.

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Thank you

zippytyro profile image
Shashwat Verma

Great man! I'll be participating in hackathons for the experience this year.

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Sounds good) Let me know how it goes, interested in your experience

harshilparmar profile image
Harshil Parmar

Wooh...awesome brother. You are an inspiration 💥

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Thank you

alvin30595 profile image
Alvin Lai

How long do you takes to build the ‘system’ and does it really need someone excel in programming to do that ?

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan • Edited

It depends on how complex the system is and how fast you loop through analysis-improvement cycle. Anywhere from 1 month to 12 months :)

alvin30595 profile image
Alvin Lai

Thanks for the information.

alexbezhan profile image
Alex Bezhan

Thank you. I appreciate