If you have a 3D printer, probably you need a system for managment your printer easiest. I good option is Octoprint for raspberry if ypu now more information you could check the next page:
Octorpint Page
In this page you find the link for download and information about the project.
Requeriments for the project:
- Raspberry Pi(whatever version)
- Memory SD 8GB or more
- Windows computer
- Octoprint (last version)
- FAT32-GUI (guiformat)
- balenaEtcher
Ok... You have all to start the project.
- Conect the memory in your computer and verify if you computer find the device.
- When your computer identify the memory execute guiformat.exe
- A windows will be displayed, select your device.
- In this case I select in Allocation unit size: 32788 (depents the size of your memmory when you have a memory to size 64GB+ you need a similar program to format your memory in this format)
- Put the name and press Start
- Confirm the change and press Close
- Install and excecute balenaEtcher
- Select Flash from file
- Search the file in your computer and select the image
- Select the device
Press Flash and ready
- Wait...
- And now! Check the memory en your Raspberry you can deployment in monitor and connect in the local network.
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