DEV Community

Alexeik Valdez
Alexeik Valdez

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How to format a memory in Windows FAT32 for Raspberry Octoprint

Alt Text

If you have a 3D printer, probably you need a system for managment your printer easiest. I good option is Octoprint for raspberry if ypu now more information you could check the next page:
Octorpint Page
In this page you find the link for download and information about the project.

Requeriments for the project:

Ok... You have all to start the project.

  1. Conect the memory in your computer and verify if you computer find the device.
  2. When your computer identify the memory execute guiformat.exe
  3. A windows will be displayed, select your device. Alt Text
  4. In this case I select in Allocation unit size: 32788 (depents the size of your memmory when you have a memory to size 64GB+ you need a similar program to format your memory in this format)
  5. Put the name and press Start
  6. Confirm the change and press Close Alt Text
  7. Install and excecute balenaEtcher
  8. Select Flash from file Alt Text
  9. Search the file in your computer and select the image Alt Text
  10. Select the device Alt Text
  11. Press Flash and ready Alt Text
  12. Wait... Alt Text
  13. And now! Check the memory en your Raspberry you can deployment in monitor and connect in the local network.

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