DEV Community

Alex Roan
Alex Roan

Posted on

Hi, I'm Alex Roan

I'm a 24 year old full time Software Developer and I have been coding for... wow, like 9 years now, and professionally for 3 of those. I obtained a Masters degree in Software Engineering from Aberystwyth University and since then I've been working full time.

You can find me on Twitter as @alexroan, GitHub as alexroan, Medium @alexroan.

I live in Cardiff, UK (with a serious case of wanderlust).

I work for Trusted Data Solutions, a data recovery and conversion company.

I mostly program in these languages: C# and SQL in my professional job. Love working with PHP, JS and the LAMP stack on side projects.

I am currently learning more about Neural Nets, and trying to ship side projects which people might actually use!

Nice to meet you.

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