DEV Community

Alexander Samaniego
Alexander Samaniego

Posted on

DPS909 Blog: SSG Release 0.1

I created my static site generator tool using JavaScript and Node.js. I was already familiar with JavaScript and Node.js but I thought I could improve my knowledge by working with it more often.

Link to repository:


This tool allows a user to specify a text (.txt) file path or a directory path as an argument in the command-line. A HTML file will then be created based on the specified text file. If a directory was specified, then HTML files will be created for every .txt file in the directory.

How to Use

In order to start using this tool, a recent version of Node.js must be downloaded and installed on your local machine.


  1. Clone or download the repository from GitHub to your local machine. Remember the file location!

  2. Open a terminal or command window and move to the directory where the repository was downloaded to.

  3. Before moving forward make sure to run the command:

    npm install -g

    to ensure that all npm packages are installed.

  4. Start using the tool by inputting the path of a text file or folder using the -i/--input option. For example:

    ssg -i fileOrFolder_path

  5. The file specified will be added to the 'dist' directory. If it is a directory, all text files will be converted to HTML and added to the same directory. An index.html file will also be created with links to all HTML files generated.

  6. [OPTIONAL] You can specify the directory where you want to output the HTML files by using the -o/--output option. For example:

    ssg -i file_path -o directoryPath

If the directory does not exist, a new one will be created. If it does, then the contents will be erased and the new HTML files will be added.

Final output example:


Options include:

  • -h/--help: This will output a list of all available options
  • -v/--version: This will output the name of the tool, version number and author name.
  • -i/--input: The main function of this tool. Convert text file(s) to HTML by specifying the file/folder path.
  • -o/--output: Specify the directory to add HTML files to.

Additional Features Implemented

In addition to the main requirements of the release, I have also added 3 of the optional requirements.

  • The title is parsed from the input files and used to populate the tag and added to the top of the .
  • As described above, I implemented the option for the user to specify the output directory with -o/--output.
  • An index.html page is created when the user inputs a folder path. This file contains links to each of the generated HTML files.

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