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Discussion on: Event Storage in Postgres

alfeg profile image
Victor Gladkikh • Edited


Unfortunatly this solution no better then lock events table on write.

UPDATE PositionCounter SET Position = Position + 1 will actually apply lock on row and block all access from other threads ( ROW LEVEL LOCKS)

This literally drop performance in 10 times according to our load test suite (from 1600 rps to 120 requests per second)...

So question remains open.

Still thanks. Will look for other options.

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

That is unfortunate.

It could be that the generalist nature of postgres does not allow it to do append-only log as well as a more focused solution like EventStore.

There is one other thing I can think of to try: set Position from an AFTER INSERT trigger. To do that, you will have to make Position nullable or default -1, not a primary key. (StreamId + Version would work as primary.) Do not create it as BIGSERIAL, but instead just as BIGINT with a regular non-unique index. Manually create a sequence. Create an AFTER INSERT trigger to set NEW.Position = nextval('my_sequence').

I'm not confident that it will completely solve the problem of out-of-order positions, but could be worth a try. My understanding is that default values get filled in up front. This includes BIGSERIAL since is just a shortcut for BIGINT ... DEFAULT nextval .... Whereas this approach would fill them after the row was written.

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

This might work when combined with an advisory lock. Although I think the AFTER INSERT trigger has performance overhead of its own.

Re: Sequences, txids, and serial order of transactions

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janisk profile image

Thanks for your great article and also to the community for discussing so much about best practices!
I also want to build an event store with Postgres - but I am now a bit confused what the best practice is for storing the number of the event. I'm not so deep in Postgres - maybe that's why I don't understand your last two comments in a way that I would be able to start on it right away ;)
Could you maybe elaborate a bit on what you think is the best practice for this? AFTER INSERT? The position counter you proposed above? How would such a solution look like?
Thank you so much!

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I have not found a best practice. The most straightforward method is the position counter table I posted in a previous comment, here. Your app code can simply do the insert and the position is guaranteed monotonic and gapless.

The advisory lock method may or may not improve performance. And you can implement it in such a way that notify could still get out-of-order notifications. So it would require some attention to detail. It's not something that we need so I haven't tried it or invested time in designing it.

I also found these tips for improving insert performance. I may incorporate a couple of these in the future. Some of them I would not do for an event store (e.g. unlogged). Following the suggestion to reduce indexing, you could also remove Position altogether and just use the LogDate as the ordering. Except some events will have an exactly identical LogDate (example: saving 2 events in the same transaction). Only ordering by LogDate, these events may swap order between different reads. So you'd probably really sort by LogDate + StreamId + Version to get a consistent ordering.

If you need better performance beyond what these provide, then you have to write some application-level code.

First, you can go back to using sequences but make out-of-order events the listener's problem. Code the event listeners to look out for sequence gaps. For example, event Position should be last seen Position + 1 but it is higher. Then the listener waits until it sees the missing Position or until a timeout passes. The timeout is needed because Postgres sequence gaps can naturally occur. For example, two users try to change the same stream simultaneously. Both will consume a sequence number but only one will actually be committed -- the other will experience a unique index violation. Without a timeout to give up on the missing position, the listener will wait forever.

If you need to completely alleviate the performance drain of monotonic, gapless sequences, you can keep the Position counter in memory and use a single writer (no simultaneous writes) at the application level. The writer code will hand out Positions itself before executing the inserts in order. You can batch writes to further improve perf. I've done something like this (and some of the linked perf tips) in other contexts and achieved millions of writes per second... briefly. As indexes grow, performance drops off.

Victor got 120 request / sec with the transactional PositionCounter table. Keep in mind these are writes only (and includes writes to other tables in the same transaction). A typical transactional system will read an order of magnitude more times than it writes. If our systems sustained 100 writes per second, we would have brought in a lot of revenue. And we would have had the resources to switch to the higher-performing before then. But you have to evaluate what fits your needs.

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janisk profile image

Thank you so much for this really long and informative reply!
I kind of like the approach that you suggested to keep the logic in the application and let the client handle it.

As I thought about how such a solution could work, I came to another issue though: assuming the case that has been described in the comments before. One transaction starts (trying to manipulate aggregate a), then another transaction starts (trying to manipulate the same aggregate a) and terminates before the first one. In this case it would have the higher sequential number/position, but in fact a lower version number of that aggregate a!
So in fact, for this aggregate, we would actually HAVE TO process the event with higher position before the event with lower position - because it has the lower version number.
Am I know completely lost here, or isn't that actually an issue? This would essentially mean that the position number is no reliable source for our projections anyway and instead we have to look at aggregate/ aggregate version level. This would complicate things by a lot though. I hope that I am wrong about this :D

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Thanks for the question.

It does not work quite the way you described, assuming a few things at the application level. (There is no need to hold a transaction open for the whole process. That will reduce performance even more.) First, aggregate state is replayed from events. Since the separate operations are simultaneous, they loaded the same Version of the stream, say, Version 4. They will each independently calculate their emitted events to start at Version = 5. When each process tries to simultaneously appended its events to the db, the first transaction to complete will take Version = 5 in the database. The other will fail, having violated the unique index on Stream ID and Version for Version = 5. This is optimistic concurrency.

In the case where one change emits multiple events, I refer to this in code as a “commit”. Events in a commit should be saved in the same transaction, which will order them correctly. As well as save them with all-or-nothing semantics. This is the only need for a transaction. (To reserve more architectural options for yourself in the future, you should also avoid cross-stream transactions. This is already expected of DDD aggregates. This constraint can present some design challenges, but has always resulted in better design for us.)

I suppose there is a lot of unstated cooperation required at the application level to make everything work properly. I’ve had in mind to write an article with more about this. And how these details were discovered as we evolved from a simple to more robust implementation of an event store. Our journey has illuminated why has made many of its choices.

I’d also like to publish our Postgres event store F# libraries. It requires me to publish and package other internal libraries first. And I’m just not keen on doing it. I’m quite happy to give the code away, but as a creative/builder personality, I will absolutely neglect repo maintenance.

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janisk profile image

Thanks Kasey for your response!
I am not sure though if we talk about the same thing! I am aware of how optimistic concurrency works for event sourcing and was thinking about exactly this use case.
My example would be the same you describe, except that the transaction which started first finishes last, which means that it has the lower position number and the higher aggregate version number. Our read model is in general interested in processing the events in the correct version order. However, if the position of the event does not reflect this version order, then we cannot rely on this as a correct way of processing our events with our projections.
Does this make sense?

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

The only way you could make this happen is to calculate the event Version in SQL as part of the database transaction. But then you would also lose optimistic concurrency. Optimistic concurrency requires that the Version be calculated in application code to guarantee the facts it based decisions on are the latest. It also means your scenario would trigger a failure instead of saving Position out of order within the same stream.

Walking through it, the application code will not see events from uncommitted transactions when they calculate their event Versions. So assuming the first transaction was held open long enough for a second operation to run and commit its transaction first, both transactions would have calculated the same event Version on that stream. The fast transaction would commit with a higher assigned Position, and the slow transaction would later fail on optimistic concurrency and its lower assigned position would never be used. This is all assuming that positions are assigned up front, either by pg sequence or a serialized-access counter in application code.

Positions can still be saved out-of-order across different streams. This can be a problem if views depend on total ordering. For example, foreign key relationships.

I appreciate this line of questions as I came to some other realizations in explaining it.

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janisk profile image

You're right. I went one step too far, thinking already about how to still make the first transaction which took too long work. But in reality, I'll make it work (if possible) in application code, not in the same database transaction. Therefore, this situation would indeed not happen.

An example of what I planned on doing: If the first transaction takes too long so that the second transaction takes over the respective aggregate version, the first transaction will fail due to the uniqueness requirement. Then I can load the new state of the aggregate from the database and can retry the command which triggered the first transaction. If it makes sense, then I can save the new events in the database. However, this would, of course, be a new transaction. I don't really know what I was thinking there...

I'm glad that you appreciate my questions and thoughts, because you helped me a lot with your article and your answers! Really, thank you so much!

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

I found a possible solution: ctid.

ctid is a system column which all postgres tables have. It contains the physical location of the row in the table file. It will be in insert order initially, but will change as records are updated and deleted and auto-vacuum is run. Since this implementation has rules to prevent updates and deletes, it should always be in insert order.

However, there are some issues. Ordering by ctid can be less performant than a primary key. Main issue I found was queries ordered by ctid cannot be index only scans, just index scans. (Because of technical reasons around HOT chains.) I haven't measured to see if that makes a difference here. Also if you do ever update or delete+autovacuum events, the ctids will change and no longer be in insert order. So if ctids are used for ordering, the only option to patch data is to copy events to a new table, modifying or omitting during the copy as necessary. (This was always our plan of last resort rather than modifying events, but maybe not everyone's.) Even then, event changes could shift the ctids. An updated event could be larger or smaller by enough that a different number of events fit in the 8k block, shifting up or down the ctids of every event that comes after it. Then you need to determine how the listeners will deal with that. View writers are not a problem as long as you don't mind rebuilding all views. Event sourced process managers should be okay if they didn't listen for the deleted/updated event -- just shift the last seen position accordingly. Otherwise they will require further analysis.

This makes me think that if I ever do need to delete an event (e.g. legal reasons), it might be better to update it to be a tombstone. And also maybe I should keep the last event id (stream id + version) instead of last position on event listeners. Keep the ordering column as an implementation detail rather than requiring clients to use it directly as I do now. More to think on.

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rusfighter profile image

A little bit late, however since it is almost impossible to avoid locking when using global counters, it is perhaps a good idea to think about how to reduce the IO operations (calls between api and db). One solution is to use batching and making just one sql statement. Here is my version:

        with pos as (
            UPDATE benchmark.positioncounter
            SET position = position + ${items.length}
            returning position
        new_events as (
            FROM json_to_recordset(${items}) as x(
                stream text,
                event_name text,
                version integer,
                data json
        INSERT INTO (
        ) SELECT 
            (row_number() OVER () + pos.position -  ${items.length}) as position, 
        FROM new_events, pos
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Same idea as suggested by kasey, however using a CTE and ability to insert multiple events. To increase performance you can do some batching (inserting like 50 events at a time). Using a basic benchmarking with batches of 20 events and concurrency of 50, I can insert 200000 events in about 20 seconds.

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Thanks for posting this. If my math is right, this is about 10k events per second. This could be a decent increase depending on your hardware. We've gotten about 1k events per second on an AWS t2.micro instance. That's in testing of course. We'll have company growth problems before we get close to that number.

Our use cases are somewhat pathological as far as seeing performance gains from this alone. Our use cases only save a handful of events at a time, often just 1. When there are multiple, they need to be saved in the same transaction (all-or-nothing). Sometimes saving an event can and should fail due to optimistic concurrency, but it should not prevent subsequent events from being saved. We would need a batching layer in the API that follows these constraints. Complicated, but seems doable.

But that's our usage, not everyone's. Once we're looking to raise this limit, we'll probably evaluate system options like sharding, switching to EventStore, etc. By then we should be in a different ballpark revenue-wise too, so would be a great problem to have.

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rusfighter profile image
ilija • Edited

I wonder did you try to use advisory locks (should be faster in general) instead of row locking (on the position) and if so, did it improve the performance? Using batches has major drawbacks because of the stream + version constraint.

And what about write performance if the table gets grows very large, is it consistent or does it degrades over number of rows?

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I haven't tried an advisory lock. My basic understanding is that advisory locks are simpler than row/table locks. So they should reduce lock/unlock time. But how much, I haven't measured.

My observation in testing is that write perf hits a degradation breakpoint when indexes can't fit in memory anymore. And the bigger they get, the more cache misses, the more disk IO has to be done. First fix is scaling up db mem/cpu. When that limit is hit or impractically expensive, it's time to use multiple nodes like sharding.

The ultimate solution for perf is to have no position at all. The only order that matters is within a stream. Cross-stream ordering is best effort. So you could use something unstable (sometimes wrong) like timestamp. Readers should tolerate some out-of-order events across streams. So for example, no strict foreign key enforcement in tabular views (aka projections). Because the causal event from one stream might mistakenly be ordered after the effect event in another stream. But the events within each stream are totally ordered correctly. Sometimes it can be very convenient to have a stable ordering across streams so I probably wouldn't take this step until perf was a critical constraint.

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rusfighter profile image

On how many rows did you see the performance degregation? Is it in range of 1,10 or 100 millions?

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

I can't remember the exact breakpoints and it would vary anyway based on your hardware and index structures (3 fields vs 1 field, etc). This is anecdotal memory rather than a scientific experiment. I wrote a chess simulation program that generated unique boards and looked for checkmates. It would start off saving millions of boards per second. But very quickly stabilized in the tens of thousands of writes per second. I was using COPY to insert rows with batch sizes of 1024. I ran it for 2-3 months. When I stopped, db had over a trillion records and a write rate in the single digits. DB size was getting close to 3TB. The indexes were bigger than the data table. I learned a lot from that. I was very impressed with postgres.

Also, the performance drop-off was accelerated due to duplicate checking. Which also got more expensive (more IO) as time went on. I was tracking the dupe rate as well, but don't remember it off the top.

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rusfighter profile image

Interesting. Did you also test your implementation of the eventstore with large amounts of data?

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

Frankly no. We are using it for business ops rather than something like sensor data. If our write ops crosses even 1 event per second monthly avg we would have already grown the organization dramatically. The goal is not to ride out this solution to a million ops per second where it becomes very complicated to use. But to evaluate all the options when we come to the next inflection point. Though I constructed this and iterate on it, I realize that it has a context where it is useful and instructive. I am open to other options to meet different needs. I am still looking for perf gains with this, as that also means better efficiency with same resources. And that means less cost for cloud services, which is especially helpful early in a product life cycle. So I very much appreciate the code you posted and this discussion. :) And any testing anyone wants to do. I still want to post my updates and the F# libraries I use on top of this at some point. Still not quite where I want them.

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rusfighter profile image
ilija • Edited

Yes you are correct. I am currently using kind of the same eventstore implementation in postgres for a SaaS app and the event rate is really low. However migrating the data to another system could be painful and you want to make the best decisions as early as possible but keeping the infra manageable without using many different systems. My worries for postgres are mostly about the table size. A rate of 1 event per second already produced 32 million of events per year. And after a year or two, you still want a decent performance for fetching a event stream or inserting an event

I also found another eventstore implementation for postgres, used with elixir: . They use a different table structure, as can be found here:

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman • Edited

The nice thing about event sourcing is that events are the source of truth and they are pretty portable. We have copies of the system for multiple environments as I'm sure you do. So it would not be too much of a stretch to work out the integration details with a different solution, spin up a new system with it, save the existing events onto that copy, and validate it.

32 million rows is easy for postgres as far as just storage and insertion perf. One of our products is getting close to a million events after 6 years and it still runs lightly on micro instances. So I have lots of scale-up room before I need to reevaluate. That one used full consistency, so the read models are in the same db and there is write amplification. I used different schemas per tenant so it's not one set of indexes. If that does make a difference, the same could be accomplished with table partitioning.

The length of a stream (and therefore replay time) is more in the design camp than the perf camp. I've been meaning to make a post summarizing things I've learned and rules of thumb I use for event stream design. For example I will use unbounded streams for repeated processes. Like a yearly audit. But I don't replay the whole thing. I replay from the last completed audit. So replay sees a bounded number of events every time. And perf doesn't significantly change with years of history.

I will check that implementation out and see what I can learn. Thanks for linking it! :)

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kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

I only looked at the table structures. It looks like it's meant to be on postgres. Interesting idea.

One of things I didn't mention with scaling limits to postgres is connection limits. Each connection eats non-trivial amounts of server resources. Our AWS t2.micro instances can handle about 85 before it can't make new ones. (Ask me how I know.) But resources allocated to sessions are resources not allocated to running SQL. So we want to stay well below the limit. This is why things like Pgbouncer exist.

I want to explore creating my own event store service that will accept ES commands and use SignalR or WebSockets for listeners on top of my postgres ES. It can maintain its own limited number of connections to give the db as much resources as possible. And assign Positions from mem to alleviate that bottleneck. It can use opportunistic batching for yet more perf. Practically though, this creates many new downsides. An extra network hop (+latency). New failure modes and recovery models. Pub/sub handling. This is all potentially fun stuff I might like to do for my own learning. But when approaching limits of the original solution, for work I'd be evaluating instead since they solved most of these problems already. And it's high availability and free to use. I'm sure it has its own issues / workarounds, but probably so would my service. :)