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Developing an Interactive Résumé with HTML and CSS

Alvaro Montoro on February 21, 2020

For a while, I toyed with the idea of creating an HTML version of my résumé that looked the same as the paper version of it. As a Web Developer, ...
treyhuffine profile image
Trey Huffine

Excellent article and super thorough. The inclusion of is a great addition.

Career growth for devs is something I'm really interested in as well and built out a resume generator for developers -

I see you're in Austin too. Let me know if you're ever interested in collaborating!

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

That looks cool. Let me check it, but I'd up for collaborating :)

treyhuffine profile image
Trey Huffine

Sounds great! :)

splrk profile image

Great article! It gave me some great ideas while I prep for my next career move. I'd recently began considering using and JSON-LD in an API but I didn't realize it could be embedded in an HTML document.

fanchgadjo profile image
Francois K

I was recently suggested for designing a DB, but I had never heard of microdata in HTML. Thank you for sharing your process ! Your resume looks great. 👍

shikkaba profile image
Me • Edited

I know you're not asking for feedback, but the way you skewed the content on your site leaves outlines on chrome (edit: took a screenshot and tried to add it to the post to show you. Did not work. Confusing.). This does not happen if you use skew instead of how you did it. To counteract the parent skewing all the inside content, you wrap the child content in a container and do a skew opposite of what the parent is (ie: parent skewX(-10), child skewX(10)).

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

I always welcome suggestions to help me improve the code or learn something new. I will try it and see how it works. Thanks for the feedback and the suggestion 😊

kgcodes profile image
Kelvin Graddick

Super interesting article! I think having a personal/portfolio website with a 'resume' page too can help too. Since it's then fully online (and you can use JS), you could have clever interactive sections displaying your skills and showing your experience. Shouldn't replace a traditional 'offline' resume but just in addition to it.

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Nice work Alvaro 👏

Been putting something together myself for this on and off for some time 😅

That key piece is definitely print styles 👍 They're a big win!

jeansmaug profile image

Hey, very nice.

You could generate a PDF version of you resume using Puppeter ;)
To deal with the sites that doesn't support HTML uploads

besong141 profile image

My only problem here is to connect the HTML and CSS to my data base

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

The idea is to have a static page, but you could do that using JavaScript and/or a server-side language.

besong141 profile image

Okay thanks

clrkoko profile image
Claire K

Great job! Very instructive!

ssbozy profile image
Sandilya Bhamidipati

Congratulations! This is really great stuff. I really love the layout and printing options :)

corelhas profile image
Carlos Orelhas

You did an amazing job!! Congrats!

pradeepradyumna profile image
Pradeep Pradyumna

This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!