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OAuth vs JWT : What is the Different

*What Is JWT? *

_JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are an open industry standard for sharing information between two entities, typically a client (the front end of an application) and a server (the back end of an application).
A JWT contains a JSON object with information that needs to be shared. Additionally, each JWT is cryptographically signed, so that clients or malicious parties cannot modify JSON content (also known as JWT claims).

*What Is OAuth? *

_Open Authorization (OAuth) is an open standard for token-based authentication over public networks.
OAuth allows third-party services such as Facebook and Google to use end-user account information without exposing the user’s account credentials to a third party.
It acts as an intermediary on behalf of end users, providing access tokens to third-party services authorized to share certain account information. The process of obtaining a token is called the authorization flow.

Advantage of JWT token:

  1. WT is preferred over any other authentication method because of certain distinct benefits it presents. These tokens are self-contained and don’t ask for any effort to collect info about the user.
  2. Saves Developer efforts for database query generation or server authentication for every request. This saves a huge deal of time and effort.
  3. JWTs are popular for better security and reliability that comes from their digitally signed nature.
  4. No explicit signing is allowed or needed, no outside source like a hacker or another client can access them.
  5. Using JWT asks for less digital storage space. They have generated servers and then forwarded them to the client who further stores them alongside attaching them to each most recent request.
  6. For verification, the job is easy with JWT as it won’t ask for extensive searching of the database.

Structure of JWT tokens: Header, Payload, Signature

  1. In case of environment that requires partial information transformation to any unverified user.
  2. In situation demands client-side information verification at the payload.
  3. For API and server-to-server authorization.
  4. JWT is best used whenever you want to transmit some information to an untrusted client, in such a way that that client can verify the information contained in the payload themselves.

Open Authorization (OAuth):

  1. The Protocol is known for allowing secured user authorization. Nothing like API or service, as OAuth is a globally-recognized standard which anyone throughout the world can use. Functional over HTTPS, it works wonderfully with servers, APIs, devices, and access-token-based applications.
  2. With the help of OAuth, apps can decide how to allow secure and controlled access to a use for a client app. It’s widely used in Java-based, web, mobile, and browser-based app development.
  3. OAuth 2.0 is the latest version of OAuth that works both ways, as a protocol and as a framework. It has fixed the bottleneck of early OAuth versions and promotes interoperability.

*Advantages of OAuth: *

  1. One of the useful things about OAuth is that it enables you to delegate account access in a secure way without sharing credentials. Instead of credentials, OAuth relies on access tokens.
  2. Highly preferred and standardized authorization protocols.
  3. Compatible with most authentication services.
  4. Due to compatibility, the users will have ample OAuth plug-ins and feature options.
  5. It makes client library testing in multiple languages and frameworks possible.
  6. It’s best for code decoupling as the appl code isn’t hampered during auth code processing.
  7. It’s a highly secured protocol that has been tested extensively.

JWT Vs OAuth:

  1. JWT is mainly used for APIs while OAuth can be used for web, browser, API, and various apps or resources.
  2. JWT defines a token format while OAuth deals in defining authorization protocols.
  3. JWT is simple and easy to learn from the initial stage while OAuth is complex.
  4. OAuth uses both client-side and server-side storage while JWT must use only client-side storage.
  5. JWT has limited scope and use cases. OAuth is highly flexible and can be easily used in a wide range of situations.
  6. Both can be used together for improved authentication. They are compatible with each other and work together towards secured data transmission.

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