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Madhankumar Anandan
Madhankumar Anandan

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Deploy Application to Firebase

Deploy the ionic application in firebase


Make sure you have installed the firebase-tools. If not, please find the following command to install

npm install -g firebase-tools
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Login & Test the connection

  1. Login to Firebase.
firebase login:ci
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  1. Check the list of projects available. It displays the list of projects available.
firebase projects:list
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Firebase project list

Initialize a project

Initialize the project with the following command.

firebase init
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Follow as per instructions and pick the Hosting and then select the project.
Post selection set of question will pop up

  • What do you want to use as your public directory? - Mention your build folder (e.g www).

  • Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all URLs to /index.html)? - No

  • Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? - Y

It requests you to authorize the GitHub by CLI URL.

  • For which GitHub repository would you like to set up a GitHub workflow? (format: user/repository) - Updated the user and repository (e.g amkumar072/firebase-deploy-sample)

It will set up an account FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT for your project.

  • Set up the workflow to run a build script before every deploy? (y/N) - Select depend upon your request. I have selected YES, then the next question will appear.

  • What script should be run before every deploy? (npm ci && npm run build) - Provide the build script/commands or else press enter to take the default.

  • Set up automatic deployment to your site's live channel when a PR is merged? (Y/n) - Select depend upon your request. I have selected NO.

Initialization is completed. By the time you would able to see the 3 files are created

  • .firebaserc
  • firebase.json
  • firebase-hosting-pull-request.yml Firebase init

Firebase commands

Deploy to Firebase

Now we are in the final part of the process. Deploy your project with the following commands.

note: Make sure the project is already built (npm run build)

firebase deploy
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Changes will deploy into Firebase and the URL will be displayed in Console.

Firebase deploy

Please find the source code in Github

Happy Deployment :)

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