DEV Community

Discussion on: Buying a new domain is not the way to start your side project

amrelmohamady profile image
Amr Elmohamady

Unfortunately, for me, I build the project but I still can't buy a domain name as I can't afford it (as I am a high school student) I rely on free hosting subdomains like netlify, heroku, vercel, etc.. As I recently published my open source project software environment concepts project on free vercel subdomain =>

GitHub logo Amr2812 / software-environment-concepts

Static Site Generated Progressive Web App Glossary eBook for software concepts.

Software Environment Concepts

Understand Software Concepts powered by vercel


If you are new to software engineering or you are working in a software company (Manager, HR, Product Manager, etc..) and you want to understand what the engineers are talking about and lead them or you are Busines man/woman and you want to build a software product but you don't have experience in the field of software engineering then you should read this book. This eBook is like a glossary for software expressions or concepts where you can carry everywhere offline and online.

Software Environment Concepts App was built using:

  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • TailwindCSS


Software Environment Concepts is open to contributions, but first go to the discusions and let me know what you are working on first that way we don't overwrite each other.

What can you do to help:

  • Reporting an issue or a misleading concept

  • Fix an issue or a misleading…

rinas profile image

That's a great way to start and build projects