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How to change the logo and App name in your own React app

Replace the Default Logo Image:

In a CRA project, the default logo is typically located in the public directory and is named favicon.ico. To change the logo, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the Logo Image: Replace the existing favicon.ico with your own logo image. Make sure your new logo is named favicon.ico. You can also replace any other images you want to use throughout your application in the public directory.

2-Clear Browser Cache
After making these changes, you may need to clear your browser cache to ensure the updated logo and title appear correctly when you reload your application. Refer to the previous response on how to clear your browser cache for different browsers.

3. Update the Title and Description:

To change the app's title and description, you can edit the public/index.html file. Open the index.html file and locate the

and tags, which you can modify as needed.


<!DOCTYPE html>

  content="Your App Description Here"<br>
Your App Title<br>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

<!-- Rest of the HTML content -->

*4-Test Your App

Run your React app using npm start to see the changes take effect in your local development environment.

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