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Ana Carolina Branco Neumann
Ana Carolina Branco Neumann

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#01QuickTips: Python

In this first post, I'll provide some tips for beginners in the Python world, covering the main useful commands that are simple to use in exploratory analysis.


Use the "#" character to start a comment on a line. Comments are useful for adding explanatory notes to your code and are not executed by the Python interpreter.

# This is a comment
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Line Breaks:

To split code across multiple lines, you can use the backslash "" at the end of each line or place it between parentheses, brackets, or braces.

# Using backslash
x = 10 + \
    20 + \

# Using parentheses
y = (10 +
     20 +

# Using brackets
lista = [1, 2,
         3, 4]

# Using braces
dicionario = {'a': 1,
              'b': 2}
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Python uses indentation to delimit code blocks, instead of using curly braces or special keywords. Make sure to maintain the same indentation within a block to avoid syntax errors.

# Example of indentation
if x > 0:
    print("x is positive")
    print("Still inside the block")
print("Outside the block")
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Printing to the Screen:

Use the print() function to display messages or values on the standard output.

name = "Ana"
print("Hey there,", name)

x = 42
print("The secret value of x is:", x)
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User Input:

Use the input() function to receive user input. Remember that the result of input() is always a string, so you might need to convert it to other types if necessary.

name = input("What's your name? ")
print("Welcome,", name)
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Assignment Operators:

Python provides several useful assignment operators to perform common operations in a single line.

x = 10  # Simple assignment
x += 5  # x = x + 5
x -= 3  # x = x - 3
x *= 2  # x = x * 2
x /= 4  # x = x / 4
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Importing Libraries:

Use the import keyword to import libraries and modules into your code. This allows you to access additional resources and functions provided by these libraries.

import math

x = math.sqrt(25)

from datetime import datetime

now =
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Returns a tuple representing the number of rows followed by the number of columns in a dataset:

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DataFrame Columns

Returns all columns, separated by commas, that compose a dataset. Very useful to recall which columns make up the dataset after transformations or even during exploratory analysis:

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