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Anastasiia Leskiv
Anastasiia Leskiv

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How do you know if Data Science is a good fit for you?

Are you thinking of a career change and wondering if Data Science is a right for you?
Data scientist is a fantastic career with a tonne of potential for future growth.
Start with asking yourself, are you a curious person? Analytic is about being a detective, data detective. You have to find the answer which might be hidden and not always easy to find. You have to be ready to work hard and look deep to find the right answer. You have to be ready. Sometimes you are not sure where to find the right answer, there will be a lot of mistakes. Finding the answer takes a lot of tries and errors. You have to be confident in your ability to solve the question even if it takes a certain amount of errors and fails before? Then you are a good fit for this career.
Ask yourself: Do you have a good logical approach to work? Good Data Scientists have an analytical mindset. Data science is about logical thinking, generating more ideas and creativity in solving the problems.
Are you passionate about problem-solving?
Data science is all about problem-solving. Good Data Scientist is a curious person who likes to solve problems, likes puzzles, and is inspired when learning something new.
Are you interested in strategy?
You have to find the data and help the business find its strategy. It will be one of the primary responsibilities.

Don't forget about statistics.
You don't need a big math background. You have to be comfortable working with numbers and statistics. It's a very important part of this job.
Are you comfortable presenting your work to the audience and collaborating with them?
You have to present your work to a stakeholder with a non technical presentation so everybody can understand. You have to explain your strategy and help the business take action. If you are a comfortable presenter and ready to argue your case, then you are a good fit for you.
After answering these questions you still think this is for you and exactly what you want to get involved in? - great. Data is not going anywhere neither Data Analytics/Scientists, so, this is an excellent job market to be a part of. You will feel great to be a part of the decision making team. Data Analytics/Scientists play a crucial role in making a strategy for the business.
The beauty of being a Data Science is that you have a variety of industries to be in from health care to real estate, from fashion to marketing, technology ets. Data in everywhere if you like to have a variety. Data Science is your best option. I hope my post was interesting, informative, and inspiring.

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