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Basic HTML Definitions and Usages in the Real World

Generally, the term HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. The main purpose of this markup language is to create a webpage and its content. This page will give you a basic understanding of HTML and its usages.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Table of contents:

What is HTML?

HTML is not a programming language, It is a primary markup language that defines the structure of your website. It consists of a series of codes used to structure the texts, images, and other content to be displayed in the browser.

The HTML files are saved with the extension of “.html” or “.htm”. You can view them using any web browser such as Google Chrome , Safari, or Mozilla Firefox.

Basics of HTML:

When it comes to HTML basics, there are three main concepts available. They are Elements , Tags , and Attributes.

  • The essential HTML components are:

    • HTML Elements : It is a building block of HTML pages that contains an open tag with some attributes , enclosed text content , and a closing tag
    • HTML Tags : The main function of an HTML tag is to create an element. It consists of three main parts: an opening tag , content , and closing tag.
    • HTML Attributes : The HTML attributes provide extra information about the HTML elements.
    • HTML Formatting : The HTML text formatting is nothing but the process of formatting text for a better look and feel. It contains more tags that are used to make text bold, italicized, or underlined , etc.
    • HTML tables : In HTML, you can create the tables for your website. It allows displaying the data in columns and rows of cells.

HTML Templates:

A Website Template is a pre-build resource that shows the structure for the extensive layout and display features of any website. An HTML template build using HTML or XHTML and include CSS and Javascript code.

HTML References:

The browser should know what character sets to use. Because it required to display an HTML page correctly. In earlier, the computers are designed with an ASCII character set that supports only the English alphabet , numbers , and some basic punctuation symbols.

But nowadays, many advanced characters are introduced. To overcome these errors, we have uses the ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 character codes which contain the collections of character entities , math symbols , Greek letters with their entity numbers and names.

HTML Tags:

The HTML tags define that how the web browser will format and display the content. All HTML tags must be enclosed within the angle brackets (<>). If you have used an open tag , then you need to use a close tag that is enclosed with . But some HTML tags are unclosed tags.

<html>(Opening tag)
    <head>(Contant tag -->)
        <title>This is the sample title of the Document</title>
        <p>This is the sample content section.</p>
        <p>This is the sample footer section</p>
    </footer>(<-- Contant tag)
</html>(Closing tag)

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Here we have described some basic information about HTML and its usages. To learn more about HTML and its functions, stay connected with our site!!

Frequently Asked Question Section:

What is HTML?

HTML is an acronym of HyperText Markup Language which is used to structure a web page.

Is HTML is a programming language?

No. HTML is not a programming Language. It is a markup language.

How to save an HTML file?

The HTML files are saved with the extension of “.html” or “.htm”.

What is meant by HTML Elements?

The HTML elements is the fundamental of HTML page which are defined using tags. It consists of a stage tag , content , and close tag .

What is meant by HTML tags?

The HTML tags are used to structure the website content. The complete HTML tag including the opening tag , enclosed tag content , and the closing tag.

What is meant by HTML attributes?

HTML attributes are a modifier of an HTML element type. It is used inside the opening tag to control the element’s behavior.

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