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F Project clone tutorials

Learning code by building projects seems like a really great idea... I've been doing that before. But, after I met some friends with better programming skills than me(despite we've learned programming roughly started same time) I asked them, "Do they learn programming by building projects?" all of them said "yes"... But when I asked my second question, "do they learn from project clone tutorials on YT or somewhere else?" most of them said "NO".

They explained that, with all the time we had it doesn't worth to learn by following or just typing code ignorantly. I understand not all of us learning programming from projects' tutorials in that way, but I'm sure most of aspiring programmers learning code in that way(me too)... All we care bout is adding more projects to our portfolios. And It's not a sin at all, but with all the time we had for following tutorials, we can find better way to learn programming.

And here's what my friends suggested me(and most of us) should do:
just pick one app/website you wanna clone. And start clone it with all knowledge you have so far... Don't mind about where you are right now in term of your skills. And by doing that we're gonna face problems or errors, because we don't know everything. That's the best part... By solving problems we face in cloning or even building our own projects, we're gonna retain what we learn much better than following code from tutorials(without really try to understand what we're typing on our code editor).

And we also can learn new tech stack in this way too...
the title might be a clickbait... sorry

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